Middle school students waited in the large gym at FHN after a squirrel caused the electric to go out at Barnwell. The squirrel was caught in the electric transformer, leaving Barnwell without power.
“The squirrel did not make it,” Barnwell Principal David Eckhoff said. “He’s a little crispy. I hope it wasn’t the rally squirrel.”
The power was out when teachers and administrators arrived at Barnwell before school. As students arrived on buses, they assembled in the lower lobby. At 9 a.m., Barnwell students went to Becky David Elementary School. Around 10:15 a.m., the Barnwell students were bused over to North because FHN is better equipped to feed the students lunch. Around 12:30 p.m., the power was back on at Barnwell, and the middle school students left North.
With all this chaos, teacher Angie Wheelehan thinks the school day should have just been canceled, even though Barnwell students would likely have to make up the day later.
“It’s very hectic and chaotic,” Wheelehan said. “I know it’s counting as a school day, but it’s kind of useless, so I think we should have went home. It’s a lost day anyway.”
Some students, however, are enjoying the day without class.
“It’s kind of cool because we don’t have school,” middle school student Avrie Gianlva said. “I like it because I can just talk with friends and text.”