The lunch bell rings around 10:12. Hungry students file into lines for food, it’s a seemingly normal lunch period until the students realize the lines weren’t moving.
On March 25 the Francis Howell North received and tested a new lunch system.
On March 25 the Francis Howell North received and tested a new lunch system.
“It was a lot slower then the old one,” Senior Amanda Johannes said.
” It’s more painful on the workers to have to check each individual instead of their old way which checked multiple students.”
The new system notifies the parents when their child’s funds get below the level of $1.00 set by the district.The new system doesn’t allow students to charge after five dollars, and unless the child is in elementary school they receive nothing to eat.
“I think a lot of people will start bringing their lunch to avoid the emails to their parents and the long waits,” Senior Jasmine Crawford said.
Though the new system caused a numerous amount of commotion such as some students not being able to eat on time, and therefore causing students to arrive late to class, the school district has confidence that SDS, or School Dining System, can make a difference.
“It seems slower and a waste of money now, but once the operators start to understand [the system] I think it should be good,” Junior Jimmy Beltz said.