Claire Carr,10
1. What is the best class you had this year and why?
“Freeman’s class because she’s really nice and a really good teacher.”
2. What is the most memorable school event this past year and why?
“The whole track season because I did really well and made a lot of new friends.”
3. What was the toughest part of the year for you?
“Trying to keep up the same work ethic all year round.”
4. What was the funniest thing that happened to you this past year and why?
“We were in history talking about how bad the meat industry was and Mrs. Davis yells out of nowhere “Hey! Hey!” Bratwurst!”
5. What was your favorite movie that came out this past year and why?
“Hugo. I read the book when I was younger, and I saw the trailer and thought “What the heck? That looks just like the book I read!” and it was.”
6. What’s your favorite game to play on a phone or tablet and why?
“Bubble Shooter. It’s a good time consumer and i’m pretty good at it.”
7. What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?
“I’m looking forward to not being a freshman anymore, also the different classes i’ll be able to take.”
8. What are you most nervous about for next year?
“I’m nervous about making the basketball team because I haven’t played in forever.”
9. What are you planning to do differently next year than you did this year?
“I want to focus more on schoolwork more and try to put that first, but I also want to socialize more.”
10. What one bit of advice do you have for students at North next year?
“Don’t worry about what all your friends are doing, just focus on your education and what you need to do to succeed.”