On Saturday, October 20, the Varsity cross country team will be competing in Districts. The meet is taking place at McNair Park in St. Charles. The girls will run at 10 a.m. and the boys will run at 10:45 a.m. The Varsity team consists of seven girls and seven boys. The girls on Varsity are Alexis Happe, Ariel Kirkpatrick, Brenda Alvarado, Courtney Vishey, Dominique Meyer, Jillian Fields, and Marissa Watkins. The boys have still not been selected.
“I am looking forward to Districts because I want to set a personal record for our team,” Sophomore Ariel Kirkpatrick said.
These fourteen runners have been training the whole season for this.
“Districts are important because you need to place well in order to advance to Sectionals,” Sophomore Dominique Meyer said.
In order to move on to Sectionals the runners need to place in the top 30. The best four teams proceed.
“Districts are tough because there is more stress due to the fact you know if you perform badly your season is over and there is no ‘I can do better next time’,” Junior Courtney Vishy said.
According to Vishy and Senior Brendan Kirchhoff, the team has improved a lot since last year.
“I think we will do great and go to Sectionals,” Kirchhoff said.