On Nov. 12 Chemistry students took a field trip to visit Saint Louis College of Pharmacy. There were about 30 kids in the group. They boarded the school bus at the beginning of second hour, and arrived at the college around 9 a.m.
“The bus ride was cool because we were all excited to get to the college,” Junior Jordan Paul said.
Once they arrived, the students got to go on a college tour. They got to see things like different classrooms, dorms, and labs. Also, current STLCOP students and professors came to talk to the students about pharmacy.
“My favorite part of the field trip was listening to all the cool things the college kids had to say,” Junior Clayton Kohler said.
Then, the students got to eat lunch, which STLCOP provided for them. This consisted of a drink, sandwich, fruit cup, and cookie. After lunch, the kids got to go into a laboratory and make Calamine lotion.
“The lab was interesting, because I’ve never done anything like it before. It was a great experience,” Sophomore Dominique Meyer said.
At 2 p.m. the students returned back to North. The kids thought the field was rewarding, and they would do it all again.
“The field trip was very informational. It overviewed a lot of what pharmacy is about,” Junior Mary Jane Ruiz said.