With 21 points and three blocks into the third quarter against the SCW Warriors, star player Kyle Lemons stole the ball and went on a fast break. On the break he was hit hard in the shoulder and fouled.
Lemons felt immediate pain, but continued to play through the third quarter. He was then taken out by his coach Darrell Davis because Davis noticed something was wrong. After that Dec. 3 game, Lemons was taken to the doctor and diagnosed with a broken collar bone. Lemons was told he would have a recovery time between six to eight weeks.
“I can’t explain how bad it hurts, I was actually crying, not from the pain of the injury, but just the fact that it is my senior season and I am going to miss most of the games,” Lemons said.
Lemons is a huge part of the Knights game plan and now that he is gone there are many things that they can’t do without him. Players were emotional about Lemons injury, but they haven’t given up. Players see it as a chance to take the spotlight and put their mark on the team.
“This gives us motivation to play even better because he puts up most of our points, so now everybody wants to deliver and get the points,” Point Guard Austin Knott said.
Lemons has been playing basketball his whole life and this is only his second injury. His sophomore year he broke his ankle after dunking over a Francis Howell players. He is hoping to have a fast recovery and get back into the game as soon as he possibly can.
“The doctor said it shouldn’t effect how I play at all when I come back and that sometimes people heal from this injury a lot faster than other people so I am praying that I am one of those people and I can get back on the court with my family [varsity basketball team] as fast as possible,” Lemons said.