Kernels explode into white, fluffy clouds as sophomore Jesse Davila pops popcorn in the band hallway at FHN.
In Jesse’s locker there is an air-popcorn popper that pops about three-fourths the size of a tub of popcorn you can get at the movies. According to Jesse, all you need is one-half cup of kernels and an electricity source to make the popcorn in about three minutes. About three times a week Jesse can be found plugging his popcorn machine into an outlet near his locker in the band hallway with permission from the nearby teachers.
“I’d never pop popcorn during a passing period because there’s too many kids in the hallway,” Jesse said.
Jesse enjoys his popcorn as a snack in class or even for his lunch, which he pops in the mornings before school, during lunch or after school. He also stores salt and artificial butter in his locker to add flavor to the popcorn. Jesse adds the flavorings to a tub that contains the popcorn, then closes the lid and shakes the tub so it can be evenly distributed; however, he claims the popcorn can get a little messy.
“It all started out when I brought popcorn for a party we were having in German Club,” Jesse said. “Then I thought, since it was that easy, why don’t I keep the popcorn machine in my locker and bring a bag of kernels and just keep it to myself?”
The popcorn machine was a Christmas present Jesse got from his grandma last year, and he also has a similar popcorn machine at home. According to Jesse, many of his friends say they wish they had a popcorn maker in their locker too.
“I think it’s a pretty cool idea because when do you see a popcorn machine in someone’s locker?” Sophomore Aiza Bustos, whose locker is near Jesse’s, said. “And it’s pretty convenient because it doesn’t take that long to make.”
Jesse shares his popcorn with his friends because he claims it makes too much for just one person to eat. “
A lot of kids, even the ones I’ve never met in my life, will try to just come up to me and tell me to just make them a batch,” Jesse said.
Jesse is also considering getting a coffee maker to add to his locker along with coffee creamer and flavorings.
“I figured why stop at the popcorn maker,” Jesse said.
Jesse says that he could never get sick of popcorn.
“It’s quick, simple, and delicious,” Jesse said. “I appreciate life here at school more than I would without it.”