Eight female Engineering students went on a field trip to Boeing on Wednesday, April 9. The purpose of the field trip was to educate the students about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and the Engineering field.
“It was great to be able to take our girls to Boeing to learn more about the STEM related career opportunities,” Ann Herman, a counselor at North who escorted the girls on the trip, said.
There were around 30 females that attended the trip, all of which attended the Francis Howell School District. All of the students met at Central to board a bus.They arrived at Boeing at 8:30 a.m. The first item on the agenda was a “Female Engineering Panel Discussion.” Female Engineers who currently work at Boeing talked to the girls. They went into detail about what they do, their education, and ended by answering questions.
“I liked talking to all of the employees about their experiences in the Engineering field because you got to see how Engineering develops into a career,” sophomore Dominique Meyer said.
Next, the girls learned about robotics. They got to watch a real robot in action, play with the robot, and hear a presentation about the construction of robots from two professional Boeing employees. At 11 a.m. the students took part in a group scavenger hunt around the Prologue Room. The students got to see different plane models, diagrams, and signs containing facts.
“I am now super excited to be an Engineer,” junior Jordan Paul said.
At 12 p.m. the girls ate lunch, which Boeing provided. This consisted of chicken strips, salad, and a cookie. Lunch lasted 45 minutes. Then, the students had a “Society of Women Engineers Hands on Activity.” The girls had to create a structure that held up five books by using paper and tape. At 2:30 p.m. the students returned back to Central.
“I would go again next year,” sophomore Hannah Wilson said. “I had a great time.”