Tomorrow graduation practice will be held for the seniors after Senior Breakfast. After the seniors eat, they will report in at their homerooms before heading down to the gym. Seniors must have their pledges signed and all fines paid to receive their ticket for graduation on June 1 at 10 p.m. in the Family Arena.
“It’s a chance to say a personal goodbye to the seniors,” Assistant Principal Nancy Wade said.
At practice, the students will practice their march to the gym in a senior processional to their seats, standing and sitting together, handshakes, and the horseshoe for the end of the ceremony. The new martial that was elected by the seniors will be revealed and practice will end with a panoramic shot of the 2013 class. After practice seniors are released to go home.
“[I’m looking forward to] having the feeling of knowing what to do,”senior Maddie Eifert said.