The Lady Knights basketball team had a great season last year with a record of 13-16.
They continue to work hard however, to become even better for the next season
by playing in a spring basketball league at the athletic complex C4. The freshman,
JV and returning Varsity basketball players are all invited to play in the league to
improve their skills for the upcoming season and get familiar with each other’s
playing styles.
“I think it is really great that we all get a chance to play in a league outside of high
school so we can kind of get used to playing with the new girls each year, because
freshman move to JV, and JV to varsity, so it is nice to get to see what the teams will
be made up of next year, and who we will be playing with.” Junior Anne Reiner said.
Although not everyone can participate in the league, those who can still believe it
really helps give them an edge.
“Yeah it definitely helps us out as a team, so we can work out the kinks before we
actually get in the season. It’s just too bad that some of our girls have sports going
in the spring and can’t always make it to play with us.” Junior Paige Pauley said.
By the MSHSAA guidelines, the coaches can’t technically coach the school team
outside of the season, so parents and alumni step up to help coach.
“Our coaches are always great. The usual coaches can’t coach us, so parents step up
and help, a lot of time Rhonda Pauley coaches, and she’s really funny and encouraging
to have on the bench with us. “ said Junior Madison Gillam.
According to the players, this league is a little more lax and it is something that they
can loosen up and enjoy playing in more so than the high stakes of the high school
“I think a big reason that we all like this league is because it is so low-pressure
compared to the actual season, and we can goof around a little more, and just have
fun because no one takes it too serious. It’s a nice change of pace.” Reiner said.