This past Saturday, April 27, the FHN Drama program sponsored the annual “Saturday Knight Live” comedy show. This show is a fun twist off of the actual weekly comedy show aired on NBC every saturday. For this show, the Drama crew, as well as a few other actors got together to make a fun-filled evening for the audience.
There were several acts that were adapted from actual SNL skits, such as “More Cowbell” “Gilly” and “Knight Spirit.” Although these were adapted, there were several other original sketches that kept the audience roaring the entire evening. My personal favorites included “Cooking Hands with Julia Child” starring seniors Matt Miller and John Hallemeier. John Hallemeier was preparing food and commentating, while his hands were under the control of Matt Miller, which made for quite a hilarious sketch.
Another great part of the evening was the portion related to Doc Jones and her retirement. Miller also starred in these portraying Doc Jones, fully armed with a black wig and a dress. Junior Brock Birkner also portrayed Mr. Ameis in the skits, and the two kept the audience in tears the entire time. Another favorite of mine from the evening was performed by juniors Jessica Olsen, and Rain Northrop, as the two went through a comically brief explanation of a few popular movies including “Lion King”, “Finding Nemo”. and “The Notebook”.
All in all the night was full of humor and laughs, with a large cast, consisting of more than 20 people. There was even musical entertainment present; “Under the Arch” a band here at FHN consisting of Matt Miller, Luke Ellison, Jake Boskears, and Greg Lewis performed. Although Greg Lewis was replaced by Joey Kluttenkamper. I think other audience members would agree that this evening was a great one, filled with laughs, music and fun. It is definitely not an event you are going to want to miss next year.