There’s an elephant in the room once more, after it was announced that the Young Republicans club is returning after a two-year absence. The club stopped meeting in the past because of inconsistent management from former Sponsors Bryan Spencer and Heather Box. The club is being brought back after President Liz Mayer and Vice President Matt Denno proposed to Sponsor Chip Crow that it was unfair that FHN had a Young Democrats club, but not a club for Young Republicans.
“I’m glad the kids are interested,” Crow said. “There’s a lot of political issues out there and with the current state of politics, it’s really prominent in their lives.”
This year, the focus of the club will be to discuss current political issues, expose members to new aspects of government, and engage in events relating to the Republican party. The club plans on doing activities like taking trips to City Hall and the Capital Building, having movie nights to watch Legally Blonde or Journeys with George, and doing community service projects such as clothing drives and Adopt-A-Family. The first meeting will be Sept. 19 before school at 7:00 a.m. and future meetings will be held at least once a month on Thursdays in room 154.
“I think it will be successful,” Mayer said. “I put a lot of time and effort into making it fun and planning what activities we will do throughout this year.”