Starting Monday, Sept. 16 through Monday, Sept. 23, Homecoming tickets will be

going on sale for $20. Tickets will be sold during all lunches at a table next to the snack tables. The Homecoming dance will take place Saturday, Sept. 28.
There will not be an early bird special this year – StuCo runs the special when they are low on funds to generate money for the dance, however this year they have enough money saved.
Guest forms are available in the main office and outside out room 217 for any student wishing to bring a guest from another school or in college. The guest must be a freshman in high school at the youngest, but no older than 21. Guest forms must be completely filled out and returned in order to buy a ticket. Guest tickets will be sold Thursday, Sept. 19, Tuesday, Sept. 24, and Thursday, Sept. 26 before and after school in room 133 for $20. FHN students who are unable to purchase tickets during lunches can buy their own tickets at these times as well.
“We sell a lot, because our kids really do a good job with homecoming,” StuCo sponsor Shelly Parks said. “Even kids from other schools in the area like to attend our dances.”
The theme of Homecoming this year will be Knights Under the Sea. It’s designed to be a sophisticated, underwater experience that is classy, not cheesy, according to StuCo sponsor Jani Wilkens. The dance will be decorated with balloons hanging from the ceiling to look like air bubbles, a shipwreck that stretches into the multi-purpose room, and lots of greens and blues.
“We’ve had a big turnout the past two years,” StuCo member Gabe Grote said. “I think with the aquatic theme it should be a lot of fun.”