‘The Family’ was an amazing film with an excellent plot and solid acting. After living in a number of different places and taking up different aliases, the hilarious but hot-

headed, Giovanni Manzoni and his family are put into the witness protection program and become the Blake family. After settling in a shanty home in Normandy, the Blakes attempt to be a normal family, but they have a difficult time blending in due to their past mafia involvement, which leads to some hilarious sequences. This forces the family to put aside their own personal problems and come together to protect each other. I thought it was funny to see the juxtaposition between the normal community members and the actions of the family members as they committed a number of crimes, including blowing up a grocery store.
The best thing about the movie was the incredible acting by Robert De Niro who played Giovanni Manzoni. He did such an incredible job becoming his character that it didn’t feel like he was acting as an Italian gangster, but it seemed as if he was one in real life. As the head of the household, I think that Robert De Niro had an amazing performance, which helped his supporting cast to shine as well.
I also liked the chemistry between Robert de Niro and Tommy Lee Jones, who played Robert Stansfield, the FBI agent watching over the Manzoni family to make sure they didn’t cause any trouble. The two did a good job showing the love, but mostly hate, relationship between the two characters. I also liked the chemistry between Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer who played husband and wife. I really thought the movie sent a great message of how family will always be there. No matter what situation anyone was in, the whole family always backed them up and stood firm beside them. This was shown on many occasions, such as when brother and sister ( John D’Leo and Dianna Agon) started their first day at another new school. The entire cast seemed to click incredibly well which made the story line even more believable.
I really appreciated the movie because it wasn’t just senseless killing and explosions every other second. It wasn’t like the film “Live To Die Hard” which was confusing and not enjoyable because the special effects got in the way of the plot. This movie did a good job of developing the characters and the plot while they incorporated action.
I also enjoyed the comedic genius of the movie. I thought that every funny moment happened at the perfect time. The movie also kept me on my toes because it featured a few action-packed scenes which turned out to just be the father’s dreams.With the excellent acting, good humor, and great chemistry, the movie was truly a triple threat. I think everyone should go out and experience this amazing film.