Thousands of people ran in The Color Run, the happiest 5k on the planet, on Sunday, September 15, 2013.

“There were so many people so it was kind of overwhelming, but it was also cool because there were so many different kinds of people there,” sophomore Taylor Ousley said.
The Color Run is a paint race that happens twice a year in St. Louis, once in spring and once in fall. The creators of the race wanted to celebrate healthiness, happiness and individuality. They focus on healthy living, bringing families and friends together, and the age of the runners range anywhere from two years old – 80 years old. All while being the happiest 5k on the planet.
“I thought it [the race] was fun, they had music playing the whole time and after it was like a huge party. There was a lot of dancing. I would definitely do it again,” sophomore Katie Tournbough said.
The “color” used in the race is powdered paint that covers the runners from head to toe at each kilometer of the race. The object is to get as much color as you can by the end of the race.
“Its [the race] got such a good, positive atmosphere and everyone is there to have a good time,” senior Kaitlin Eifert said.