The Boys Varsity Soccer team will be playing Troy for the second time this season on Oct. 1 at Troy. The team is 0-3 against Troy and will be trying to break that losing streak.

The team has won only 2 out of 9 games so far but they’re looking to turn that around and use the rest of the season to make up for their previous losses. Their goal this year is to be even better than they were last year and win districts for the second year in a row.
“We have the potential to beat Troy,” senior, Patrick Cronin said. “I think we just get a little over-confident and when we get on the field we get nervous.”
They have been working as a team on getting better and playing in a better rhythm. The team has practice every week day and every Saturday morning to better their skills. During games, they try to work more as a team rather than working as individuals. The soccer program is trying to gain back their credibility of being one of the best teams out there from just a few years ago.
“We need to have better communication and always bring the same intensity that we brought to the Howell game,” senior Mathieu Perrault said.
After 9 games, the team has 11 games left not including Districts. The next three games the boys will play will be away at Timberland and CBC and then they come back home to play Timberland again. The boys are hopeful that the next few games will be the turning point of their battle to win the rest of this season and defeat their next opponents.
“I think we have a great chance of winning our games against CBC and Timberland. If we capitalize on our chances and score some goals, we will win,” junior Drew Baker said.