At last week’s varsity football game, fans may have heard a voice in the crowd screaming ” When I say turn, you say up!” or “When I say let’s, you say go!” attempting to get the crowd back on their feet and into the game. That voice would be that of senior, Austin Knott. According to Knott, the Goonies were absent for last weeks “Pink Out” game so he wanted to show the team support despite the small number of people that were in the stands.
“My friends and I joke that we are the “underground Goonies” because none of them actually showed up for the game last week so we had to step up,” Knott said.
Knott enjoys going to games of all different sports and show his support by cheering in the stands and participating in the themes for each of the games.
“It helps the players to be at the games,” Knott said. “They like to see people from the school come out and support. I think that it definitely helps them play better.”
Despite being an avid sporting events supporter, Austin also plays basketball himself so he speaks from experience when it comes to knowing that the energy of the fans, who come show their support at the game, transfers to the athletes as well.
“I try my best to show up tot the games because I want to be there to support my school,” Knott said. “I know that I would want them to do the same for me.”