On Saturday, Oct. 19 in the FHN commons from 8 to 11 a.m. students gathered to take the PSAT.
“If I do good on the test it will help me in the future and give me an idea of what will be on the real SAT,” sophomore, Rachel Elder said.
The PSAT test is a standardized test offered to all high school students by the college board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Its given as practice for the SAT and helps students get the chance to receive a scholarship.
“I am taking the test because I want a better chance o get a scholarship,” junior, Mary-Kate Feldhause said.
The PSAT test measures three things: critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills, and writing skills. It helps prepare students for bigger tests in the future. Students who take the test are given the chance to be nationally recognized if they well. 16,000 students are picked every year from across the country and in the last eight years there have two students from FHN to become semifinalists.
“I think I will do fine. [The test] doesn’t seem too scary and hopefully it will help me later on in school,” sophomore, Kailyn Bowman said.