Friday – Nov. 22nd 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. ALL ITEMS ARE 50% OFF PRICE TAGS!!!
The Fifth Annual All-Knighter Craft Fair is Saturday, Nov. 9th from9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. There will be NO Early Bird Entry as was stated in the Senior All-Knighter Newsletter. Admission is free for everyone! Please come and check it out!!
Senior Parents we need your help! We are looking for volunteers to give some of their time to help with the Class of 2014 All-Knighter Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov. 9th. Your help is greatly need during the following times: Sat. 7 – 9 a.m. for set up and3:30 – 7 p.m. for clean-up. We are also looking for a few volunteers to work during the craft fair. If you can give some of your time please email Dawn Lavezzi at Thank you! Snow Days With the weather turning cooler, we are reminded that winter will be here before long, including the frozen white stuff (snow) that is both looked forward to and dreaded. This is a reminder that we have snow days built into our school calendar, and we request that vacations not be scheduled on these days when we may have school to make up for missed days due to snow or other inclement weather. Make up dates are listed below:
Save your Yoplait Lids! Please save Yoplait lids from now until Christmas break. Yoplait donates 10 cents for every lid to the Breast Cancer research. There will be envelopes in the learning commons and in the main office copy room for the lids. Thanks. 12/20 Robertson Special Olympics Meeting The first Special Olympics earlier this month was a huge success with well over 20 people in attendance. The second Special Olympics meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, at6:30 p.m. at Saeger Middle School. The group will be discussing how people can help out with Special Olympics, setting up our board, and other topics as well. If you have questions call Joe Shaw, Special Olympics Liaison for the Francis Howell School District, at 636-851-5500. 11/6 Henry DECA Spirit Week-Nov 4th-8th: Tuesday-CEO-Dress for Success Day-Dress to impress…Suit, jacket, tie, slacks, skirt, etc. Wednesday-Disney Day!-Dress as your favorite Disney Character…Princesses, Mickey/Minnie, (maybe just print out a picture & tape it on your shirt if you don”t have a costume?? Thursday-DECA Jumpoff shirts/class colors-Seniors/Purple, Juniors/green, Sophomores/maroon, and Freshmen/blue. Friday-DECA Diamond Day-Wear as much bling, bling, argyle, or as many diamonds as you can fine…Bedazzle Yourself!!! 11/8 Moore I have two calculators (one is very expensive, the school charges $140 dollars and one is probably $100) and 2 pair of glasses and some keys on my desk in the main office. Please come and look for your missing items. 11/8 Downs *After November 20th The FHN Yearbook will increase in price to $60.00, so get yours now!!!!! 11/20 Manfull |
*Congratulations to the following students as they have been selected students of the week for the week of Nov 4:
9th grade: Michael Beaver |
Activities & Clubs |
*Activities for the Week of Nov 3-9
Monday-Boys Soccer Districts @ Pattoville 4:00 pm
Special Event- Wrestling/Basketball Begin Home Freshman Basketball tryouts Home 6:30 pm Special Event-A+ Tutoring Meeting Auditorium 2:30-3:30 pm
Special Event-All Knighter Meeting Room 160 6:30 pm
Tuesday-Boys Soccer Districts Away
Boys Swimming GAC Meet @ FZS
Special Event Diversity Awareness Pres Aud 9:15-12:30 am
Special Event Parent Outreach Room 100 4:00-7:00 pm
Wednesday-Boys Soccer Districts Away
Special Events Mentor Homeroom Mtg Aud
Special Events Pommer Practice New Gym 1:45 pm
Special Events Softball Banquet Commons 6:30-9:00 pm
Special Events Boys Volleyball Open Gym 7:00-9:00 pm
Thursday-Boys Soccer Districts Away
Boys Swimming GAC Meet@FZS Rec Plex 3:30 pm
Special Events DECA Jump-Off Big Gym 6:00 pm
Special Events Cambridge Review Rooms 170, 219 6:00-9:00 pm
Friday-Boys Soccer Districts Away
Special Events Holiday Craft Fair Set-up Gyms 3:00-7:00 pm
Saturday-Boys Soccer Districts Away
Special Events Holiday Craft Fair Gyms 7:00 am-6:00 pm
Winter Sports Try Outs
Boys’ Basketball Grades 10, 11,12
November 4
2:40 – 5:00 pm Large Gym
9th Grade Boys’ Basketball
6:30pm – 8:00 pm Large Gym
Girls’ Basketball Grades 9-12
Nov. 4, 5, 6
2:40-5:00 FHN Small Gym
Girls’ Swimming
November 18th
8:00 pm At the Rec Plex Wrestling 9-12
November 4
2:40 pm FHN Multi-Purpose Room Wrestling tryouts begin on Monday Nov 4th. You must have your physical and impact testing done before practice. The forms are available outside the activities or from Coach Brown or Coach Ritchie. 11/4 Brown *Attention Art Club members and Memory Project artists – There will be and Art Club meeting Thurs. after school in Mr. Leistner’s Rm.160. It’s very important the Memory Project artists attend the meeting. If you are unable, please see Mr. Leistner about the portraits. This is very important! 11/7 Leistner |
PARENT NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MATH TUTORING Available BEFORE School Monday through Friday Available AFTER School After-school Tutoring Schedule
Sage 636-928-2490 11/9 Sage Freshmen, Sophomore, and Jr. Parents. If anyone is willing to take charge of the annual FHN All-Knighter Craft Fair starting in 2014 please contact Dawn Lavezzi at 314-630-5617 2014 Parents: WE NEED YOU TO BAKE, BAKE, BAKE! The class of 2014 All Knighter is having a Craft Fair/Bake Sale at FHN onNovember 9th. We prefer to have most of the baked goods brought in early with your student Friday, November 8th in the School Office or either that evening during set-up at the Craft Fair or early Saturday morning of the Craft Fair. We need baked goods to be sold at the Bake Sale Table which people can easily eat as finger foods as they walk around and look at the crafts. Items that sold were cookies, brownies, puppy chow, sliced bread (banana bread, cranberry nut bread, etc.), decorated sugar cookies. Please place 2 nice size cookies or 4 small cookies in a Ziploc baggie, one nice size brownie and/or bread in a Ziploc baggie. Please label each baggie with ingredients (i.e. nuts, fruits, chocolate, etc.). We will also accept store bought goods too. Thank you and if you have any questions, please call Nancy Sage636-928-2490 11/9 Sage *Parents of Seniors: PTO Fall Meeting announcement: Come to our next PTO meeting and be entered in our free $25 gift card drawing! Fall snacks, and activities will be discussed such as Teacher Appreciation week.
6PM, Monday, November 4th in the Main Office conference room. See you there. 11/4 Doerhoff
GUIDANCE NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A-Co Ms. Schwarz Cr-G Ms. Johnson H-J Ms. Woodrum K-Ma Ms. Kerr-Grant Mc-O Ms. Herman P-Sn Ms. Faulkner So-Z Ms. Barker FutureBuilders is the non-profit education foundation of the Missouri School Boards’ Association, organized in 1996 to promote student achievement and parent/community involvement in public schools. Built on the belief that public education is the foundation of our democracy, FutureBuilders believes that it is imperative that we counter the negative stereotyping of public schools so often expounded by the media and so-called “experts.” The foundation works to spread the news about the good things going on day in and day out in Missouri’s public schools. Their unofficial motto is “Research, not rhetoric” and they use that as a model to help tell the true story of the successes of our public schools.
After reviewing: Please write and title a 500-700-word essay on the following theme:
The Climate, Culture and Organizational Efficacy section of the Vision for
Missouri Public Education’s Report,(Pages 10 and 11of the report)please explain how the climate and culture of schools support a positive learning environment.
Essay due to Mrs. Woodrum by November 26, 2013. 11/26 Woodrum Current sophomores and juniors, are you interested in attending the Lewis & Clark Career Center for the 2014-2015 school-year? Attend the Lewis & Clark Prospective Student Night on November 7, 2013 from 7-9pm. See the school, meet instructors, & get first-hand information on the amazing programs offered. L&C counselors always mention students who attended their Prospective Student Night during the application process so it’s a good way to get your name on their minds when reviewing your application! 11/7 Faulkner
Any current sophomore or junior interested in applying for Lewis & Clark Career Center for the 2014-2015 school year, please stop by Guidance to pick-up an application. Applications are due to Mrs. Faulkner (in Guidance) by December 17, 2013. 12/17 Faulkner Attention A+ Juniors…if you would like to earn your A+ hours next semester, you must attend the mandatory A+ Tutor Meeting on Monday, November 4th from 2:30-3:00 in the Auditorium. 11/4 Herman |