The Francis Howell North soccer team has districts coming up for them Monday Nov. 4. They play Pattonville at Pattonville high school . FHN played Pattonville in the second game of the season and won the game 6-0. The Knights feels confident about districts this year because they won districts last year and have a lot of their players returning. If FHN wins their game against Pattonville they would play one of three teams, either Mccluer North, Hazelwood west, or Hazelwood Central.
“We have beat Pattonville 6-0 the first time obviously a lot has happened since then like player injury,” Head Coach Larry Scheller said, “these are two different teams now and they will be looking for revenge,”
FHN who are 5-13 are looking to get hot for districts so they can advance farther than they did last year. The Knights are looking to come out and play as hard as they can for the whole game, if they can do this they think they will have great success.
“play well, we haven’t played are best soccer all season, and if we play well the entire game we can beat anyone in the state,” Coach Scheller said.
The weather around the Saint Charles has been quit cold lately, the average temperature for next week will be only high of 60, and this could factor in to the way the player warm up and play especially with the games being later at night as the sun is going down.
“It doesn’t affect us too much if your work like you’re supposed you won’t get cold,” assistant Coach Zachary Fettig said.
For the seven seniors that the knights have, this could very well be their last game playing with all their teammates. It is a do or die the rest of the way, one mess up, on miss shot, not hustling the whole game could draw an end to the knights season. Although these are high intensity games and high competition the knights feel confident about their chances this year. Senior Keegan Fouche is leading the team with 9 goals which triples everyone else on the team.
“This wont be my last game because, I am confident that we are going to win,” senior soccer player Tony Mudd said.