On Nov. 11 at Francis Howell Central, the district held the annual Iron Chef. All of the district schools competed, with FHN finishing first in Best Salad and Best

Side Dish.
“It [Iron Chef] really helps with the kids cooking skills and it gives them a goal and challenge. It lets me get to know the kids on a one on one level,” Iron Chef Advisor Rebecca Just said.
The Iron Chef is a cooking competition held once a year. A new theme is chosen every year and students are told to incorporate that into their menu. This years theme was Pioneer Days which students could interpret any way they want. FHN students’ menu incorporates food real home front pioneers would have made. They made meatloaf balls with Bison burger along with a glaze, mashed potato balls in cornflakes, vegetable balls, a spring salad, and a spiced zucchini cupcake filled with apple pie filling.
“Obviously we did pretty good since we got first place, we tried really hard and it paid off,” junior Tre Hall said.
The students that competed for FHN are from the Culinary Arts class. Trevor Dames-Bolte, Tre Hall, Daniel Ingle, Gabby Daniel, and Megan Oostendorp represented the school.
“I think we did really well,” senior Megan Oostendorp said. “It was very stressful but overall it was a really good experience,”