Last year the FHN 1 bowling team placed first in their division, second in state. The team hopes to do the same this year while also improving their personal

scores. FHN 2 placed sixth in finals. They hope to improve this season.
“I expect the team to go pretty far this year hopefully to the St. Louis finals because we didn’t make it last year,” FHN 2 senior Natasha Kozak said.
All the competitions are on Sundays at 11a.m. The team mainly competes at Cave Springs Lanes, Harvest Lanes, and Plaza Lanes. Their biggest competition is in March which is the St. Louis finals.
FHN 1 had a huge victory over Zumwalt South with the score of 30-5. They want to all continue improving their averages and defeating all the schools in the district.
“ The goal is to beat everyone and make my average go up,” FHN 1 junior Alan Paaran said.
Comparing to last year, FHN 2 is working hard to be a bigger and better team. They have added new members that make a huge difference in the team.
“Everything is different this year, we have a completely different team and most of them haven’t bowled on a team before but we have a lot of talent,” Kozak said.