French Club members are selling Père Noël grams for $1 until Dec. 3. Père Noël grams are holiday messages that will be delivered to a student or staff member in first hour on Friday, Dec. 6. Père Noël is the French equivalent to Santa Clause in the United States. According to the tradition, on Christmas Eve, children leave their shoes by the fireplace filled with treats for Père Noël before they go to bed. Père Noël takes the offerings and, if the child has been good, leaves presents in their place.
“We [sell them] to keep the tradition going and it’s also a lot of fun,” sponsor David Fritz said. “The kids get to tag the flowers, organize them and it’s cool to put a flower in someone’s hand and say ‘This is for you’.”
French club chose Dec. 6 to honor the ‘Feast Day of St. Nicholas’ which marks the first day of Christmas in France.
Père Noël grams will be delivered with a red carnation, and a folded red card that students can write their personal messages in. Students will need to know their recipient’s first hour and room number for the card to be delivered. The tradition has been around at school for many years. In the past, grams were sold at lunches and during passing periods. This year, students will have to find a French Club member to purchase a gram from.
“Seeing the happy look on peoples’ faces as the grams get delivered is the best.” French Club Vice President Elisabeth Condon said.