Future Business Leaders of America held a Dime War competition this past week to help raise money for the March of Dimes. The

competition was between each grade level to see which class could raise the most money. Four buckets were located in each business classroom and coordinated with each class color. All students, whether in a business class or not, participated in the competition. In the end the freshmen were victorious in raising the most money.
“We decided to hold this fundraiser after the leadership conference meeting at Kokomo Joe’s, we had a meeting with the March of Dimes advocate and she inspired us,” vice president Brittany Frazier said. “Since FBLA is nationwide [and] is such a big supporter of the March of Dimes, we decided to become active participants as well.”
There was no goal for the fundraiser, club members just wanted to help as much as they could. FBLA raised a total of 315 dollars for the March of Dimes, and members were honored to be able to help the organization.
“I am ecstatic to be able to help March of Dimes, they are such an inspiring organization and do such great things,” FBLA member Sydney Hardin said. “All of the money raised is going towards research to end premature births, so there really isn’t any gift bigger or more rewarding than that.”
FBLA president Autumn Lavezzi believes the competition between the classes helped with getting people to donate.
“We raised 300 dollars, which doesn’t sound like a lot but since it is a dime war, that is a huge success,” Lavezzi said. “We were nervous about having the competition between classes, but it turned out to be a really fun thing for all the classes to enjoy.”