For this holiday season, the German Club has decided to spread joy by selling their annual countdown calendars. The calendars are imported from Germany from a candy company to celebrate the German holiday of Advent.
“Basically it’s 25 flaps and you take a piece of chocolate out of the calendars each day,” said junior Ryan Hyde. “I think it’s a great way to spread the joy of the holiday.”
According to sponsor Anne McPartland, German Club has sold calendars every year, save one, since she started working here in 2001. Calendar sales start in November, and can be purchased in room 216 until the end of the semester, or until they run out. This year German Club ran out of calendars earlier than expected.
“We usually sell them every year, it’s sort of turned into a tradition,” said junior Jon Haug.
The money that is made selling the calendars is used for events like Frau Fest. German Club doesn’t have many fundraising opportunities, so they rely on what they do have heavily. They seem to do these things for tradition, and holiday spirit, rather than for the money they can make.
“I think a lot of parents like to get them for their children, and I think it’s a tradition among our school families during the holiday season,” said McPartland.