With a low and sneaky defensive game and an offensive game that can be taken straight to the rim and doesn’t force anything, Austine Pauley is a monster on the basketball court.

“There is always room for improvement in my game,” sophomore guard Austine Pauley said. “Personally, I can work on my shot a lot more. For example, I can work on my open shots more.”
Pauley has had a shooting percentage of 41% with a 56-136 field goals made to field goals attempted this season prior to last Friday’s game against Duchense. This has come from taking the ball to the rim when the opportunity comes and not forcing to many shots. Taking open shots is another big part of Pauley’s game although she says she doesn’t think it is that great in her offensive game. Pauley’s offensive game has been great this year but the best part of her game is defensively.
“For defense, my strategy is to be very low and sneaky in playing,” Pauley said. “This play style has led me to a good amount of steals this season.”
With 23 steals this season (prior to the game against Duchense) playing low and sneaky has really helped Pauley play a great defensive game. Pauley really trains hard to get this number of steals. Pauley is constantly at the gym with her family practicing to be the best she can possibly be at her game. Pauley lives by the phrase “practice makes perfect.”
“My dad has always been one of my biggest inspirations, always telling me to push myself harder and practice more,” Pauley said.
Pauley’s dad is always pushing her to be the best she can possibly be. Him and another inspiration really give Pauley good role models to look to. Her other inspiration, the greatest ever, Micheal Jordan. Who wouldn’t look to the man MJ 23.
“I really think the teams chemistry this year is working in our favor,” Pauley said. “We really are together as one unit. I think we can do big things with that this year.”
Pauley has really been happy about the team being able to mesh well together this year. She is also very happy to be able to play with her sister Paige Pauley. Playing with Paige has given Austine confidence and has inspired Austine to have more leadership on the team, especially in the years to come.
“I love how the season has been going so far,” Pauley said. “I just can’t wait for our rivalry game against Central.”