Tomorrow at 6:00 at Holt High School, varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen wrestlers will be wrestling against the Holt Indians wrestlers.
“We haven’t wrestled them this year yet but in the past Holt has proven to be a really good team especially in the past five years,” JV coach Sean Fowler said.
With the FHN-JV Tournament canceled, Fowler is a little concerned on how his JV wrestlers will do. Usually they have a lot of practice ahead of time, but with little time before the Holt match the team is getting as much practice as possible.
“We have to keep an eye on our weight which means watching our diet,” sophomore Kaleb Bell said. “It really sucks considering Taco Bell sounds good almost all the time, but I’d rather eat healthy food then run.”
In the beginning of each match, the teams will weigh in and then have a little snack. Then they will have a practice match to get warm up because the first match isn’t always the best that they can do. After warm up, the real action begins. At the end of the match the team helps clean up, like rolling up the mats and storing the away, and then the coaches will debrief the team on what they could improve on and how they did in the match. To prepare for the upcoming match, the teams are doing a lot of practicing and focusing on what each individual can bring to the mat to help North come out on top of Holt.
“I feel pretty confident in getting a few wins,” Bell said. “It all really depends on who I’m going against.”
With high hopes, Fowler leads his team and hopes for a win. He does expect some wins and some losses but overall, Fowler believes that it will end with the guys stepping up, rising to the challenge, and improving with each competition.
“I can already see a huge improvement with the guys after each match and it makes me proud to see our young team grow steadily,” Fowler said.