Fraufest is the annual school-wide concert put on by the German Club. German teacher and German Club sponsor Anne “Frau” McPartland puts on the show every year. Many people describe Fraufest as a way to show students talents in a fun way for everyone.
1. What is your name?
“Luke Guerdan.”
2. What is the name of your band?
“Minus Me.”
3. How many years have you been involved with Fraufest?
“This is my first year performing in Fraufest., but we are very excited to see how it goes. We also hope people like our music.”

4. What interested you and your band in performing in Fraufest?
“We wanted to be able to play somewhere convenient for all of our friends to come; we figured this would be the best place. Also, we wanted to play with other bands from school.”
5. Why do you guys like to perform for people?
“Over all it is just a lot of fun. We just think its fun putting on a show for people and seeing how they react. Showing people our music that we work really hard on too is another big reason we do shows for people.”
6. How did your band start?
“Most of the other guys go to Howell Central and we used to be in two different bands but they split up. Back in freshman year we met up and started playing together. We have been writing and recording ever since then and we are getting ready to release an EP.”
7. What do you think makes your band different from other bands?
“Just playing rock is a big thing I think. Its not too common anymore to see bands do something different. Most bands either play covers or they do metal.”
8. What made you interested in being in a band/ making music?
“I have been playing guitar since I was really young. I also always really like being able to make music and express myself. I really just wanted to be able to play with other people too.”
9. What are some songs people can look forward to to seeing in the show or can you describe your bands act?
“We play rock-type music, sort of similar to the Foo Fighters and bands that sound kind of like them. We are going to perform all original songs we have wrote together.”
10. What do you hope to accomplish in the future?
“We just want to keep playing together before our bassist has to go off to college. It’s our last year we can all be together before he leaves so we want to spend as much time as a band together before that happens.”