Today, Band, Woodwind Choir, and Brass Choir are leaving for a state-wide at 6:50 A.M. They will be returning at about 1:30 P.M.

“Going to state is more of an educational thing than a big thing.” Band Director Jeff Moorman said. “You go there not only as a director but for your students, so that your students can find out if they’re doing what they need to be doing.”
Any student that is a part of Band or Choir is eligible to go to state without having to meet any additional requirements. There is no district level for any of the ensembles; there are only state levels. Members of the Band will be doing three performances. During the sight reading performance, students are handed a new script that they have never seen before to play in front of the audience to test how quickly they can comprehend what they’re playing.
“I think making it to state shows how much hard work and effort that goes into the performance,” senior Courtney Vishy said. “You spend months preparing and it all comes down to that moment in front of the judge. Having someone else appreciate the work you’ve done is really satisfying.”