StuCo Holds Elections

Student Council is holding elections today, April 17, in all lunches, for students in grades 9-11 to vote for StuCo Officers. Students can vote for one candidate for each position. Students need to have their school I.D. in order to vote. Bios are available of each candidate. Winners will be announced May 1st.
Presidential Candidates: Elise Gertsch and Nicole Morse
Vice Presidential Candidate: Kristen Metts
Secretarial Candidate: Sean Pirrone
Treasurer Candidates: Dominique Meyer
Parliamentarian Candidates: Jamie Hetlage and Lauren Wolosyk
Chief-of-Staff Candidates: Risa Takenaka and Claire Wiley
Mu Alpha Theta Induction
Yesterday, Mu Alpha Theta held their induction ceremony at 7 p.m. in the auditorium and a reception followed in the gym lobby. 23 inductees were in attendance at the ceremony. Mu Alpha Theta is an honors society open to any student with a 3.0 GPA or higher, who second semester of Algebra 2 or higher. There are typically about 150 members. Normally, Mu Alpha Theta meets every two weeks, and organizes fundraisers for senior scholarships. This year, Mu Alpha Theta has been on a sort of hiatus, and haven’t been meeting as frequently as they normally would. Next year, Pamela Stratton will be sponsoring Mu Alpha Theta, and Greg Brown will be restarting the Math club, which will compete in math competitions.
“It’s an honor society, and it looks great on a college application,” Sponsor Val VanDerBeck said.