GUIDANCE NEWS | ||||||||
The AP Exam Information below:
May 14 8:00 a.m. German Language and Culture room 131
12:00 p.m. European History room 136
May 15 8:00 a.m. Macroeconimics 12:00 p.m. Microeconomics
2014 – 2015 Attention students and parents of Sophomores and Juniors! The PSAT national exam date for FHN is Saturday, October 18, 2014. PSAT is National Merit Scholarship Corporation exam. Students that would like to compete at the national level for scholarships are encouraged to take the exam. 10/18 Woodrum
Students of the week |
Congratulations to the following students as they have been selected students of the week for the week of May 12 all Seniorsnow:
Zac Fletcher |
Congratulations |
Be Prepared for Severe Weather and Tornados Severe weather and tornado season can bring frightening storms, incredible damage, and change lives in the blink of an eye. The best way to meet the unpredictable Missouri weather is to be prepared. Is your family ready in the event of a tornado? Do you and your children know where to go and what to do? Are you familiar with school tornado procedures? Click here to review the Francis Howell School District’s tornado procedures.
Click here to check out all flyers on the Online Backpack – eFlyers site. Attention Junior Parents: Regarding your student’s ACT results from the 4/23 test date, if a student already has an online account because they have already taken a national ACT test, they could be seeing their test results online.
For those who have not registered online, it is suggested that they wait for their test results, which are being mailed to the home address that the students had listed on their test grids. Once they get those results, there will be an ACT code that they will use to create an online account, making sure the state test they took at North on 4/23 and any national tests all show under the same account.
Herff Jones on Tuesday May 20th at all lunches to service class rings. 5/20 Fingers * FRANCIS HOWELL NORTH HIGH SCHOOL SECOND SEMESTER EXAM SCHEDULE 2013-14 Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1st Hour Exam 7:20-8:50 (90 minutes)
Passing Period 8:50-8:55 (5 minutes)
2nd Hour Exam 8:55-10:25 (90 minutes)
AB Class: 10:30-11:20 (50 minutes)
4BC Class: 10:55-11:45 (50 minutes)
4C5A Class: 11:25-12:15 (50 minutes)
5AB Class: 11:50-12:45 (55 minutes)
4A Lunch: 10:25-10:50 (25 minutes)
4C Lunch: 11:20-11:45 (25 minutes)
5B Lunch: 12:20-12:45 (25 minutes)
7th Hour Exam 12:50-2:20 (90 minutes)
Thursday, May 29, 2014 Homeroom 7:20-8:15 (55 minutes)
Passing Period 8:15-8:20 (5 minutes)
3rd Hour Exam 8:20-9:50 (90 minutes)
Passing Period 9:50-9:55 (5 minutes)
4th Hour Exam 9:55-11:25 (90 minutes) SCHOOL DISMISSED
Friday, May 30, 2014 Homeroom 7:20-8:15 (55 minutes)
Passing Period 8:15-8:20 (5 minutes)
5th Hour Exam 8:20-9:50 (90 minutes)
Passing Period 9:50-9:55 (5 minutes)
6th Hour Exam 9:55-11:25 (90 minutes) SCHOOL DISMISSED
Thursday, May 29, 2014 2:30PM-5:30PM Room 218
Friday, May 30, 2014 2:30PM-5:30PM Room 218
Monday, June 2, 2014 1:00PM-6:00PM
Make-up final exams will be held on Thursday, May 29th and Friday, May 30th from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Monday, June 2ndfrom 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Make up exams are held in room 218. Students may attend any of the make-up sessions – no appointment is necessary. Students must bring a photo ID with them in order to take their final exam. Students should bring at least TWO number two lead pencils and any other items that may be required for completion of exams.
Students will report to their homerooms on half-day final exam days on Thursday, May 29th and Friday, May 30th. The first exam of the day begins at 8:20 AM. Buses will be running on their regular schedule on both of these half-day exam days. On May 29th and 30th, students may come to school at the regular time (7:20 AM) or may choose to arrive by the beginning of the first exam session at 8:20 AM. No parent note is required for any student who chooses to arrive to school by 8:20 AM.
However, students who arrive late to class once exams begin will not be allowed to take the exam. Late students will need to take the exam they missed during the makeup exam schedule. 5/29 Birch May 19th- May 29th. Contact Kaye 5/29 Clouse
Help our school earn extra money: Walter Knoll Florist will donate $2.00 each time you order flowers or gifts from them on line at no cost to you. Go to each time you order and on the payment information page, bottom left, check the box that says “This is a Lend a Hand Order” then select Francis Howell North High School. 5/30 Baur Congratulations to all students who have earned Free Cardinal Tickets! If your GPA (1st semester this year) was 3.5 or higher – you qualify for 2 free tickets to a St. Louis Cardinals’ game. Ticket vouchers may be picked up either before or after school in the Main Office from Mrs. Jarvis. Students MUST present their ID in order to pick up vouchers. 5/30 Jarvis Derocating Help June 2nd-6th 9am-9pm 6/6 Clouse * Class of 2015 Senior Portraits
During homeroom on May 9, 2014, all juniors were given a letter from Lifetouch/Prestige Portraits regarding their senior yearbook portrait. The following items were included in the letter:
Schedule Pick Up Dates Please mark your calendars that schedule pick up for the next school year is as follows:
Thursday, July 24 Seniors: 11:00 am-2:00 pm Freshmen: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm Freshmen parent meeting 6:30 pm
Friday, July 25 Juniors: 8:00 am-11:00 am Sophomores: 12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Schedule pick up will be in the lower level of the school. Please enter through the gym lobby next to the track. Students must have yearbook/ID pictures taken, have immunization records checked by nurse, turn in health form (signed by a parent/guardian) and pay any outstanding fines due from the previous school year before a stu-dent may pick up their schedule. Parking permits may also be taken care of at this time. Juniors and Seniors who wish to apply for a parking per-mit must have no outstanding fines, no parking violations from the previous year and have the necessary paperwork completed for the district’s drug testing program. Sports passes, clothing and other information may also be obtained during schedule pick up. 7/25 Jarvis
Activities & Clubs |
Activities for the Week on May 12: May 14 Baseball AP Ger Lang & Cult/US His FHN AP European FHN Boys Golf Pommer Practice New Gym Girls Soccer Parkway C Girls Soccer FHC Invita Colorguard Aud 2nd RD Old Gym GS Leader Meeting Com 1 May 15 Sr Awards Practice Aud AP Macro Econ/World His FHN AP Ital Lang &Cult/Micro Econ FHN Coaches to Barnwell & Hollenback FHN LL Wrestling Girls Soccer FHC Invita Colorguard Aud 2nd Rd Old Gym Girl Scout Meet
Senior Awards Night Gym/Aud
May 16
AP Comp. Gov & Pol/Span Lit Cul
Mr. FHN Contest Aud
May 17
Girls & Boys Track Districts PKWYC Var PKWYC 10:00 a.m.
Prom There will be a meeting Thursday, May 15that 7:00 am in room 104 for all girls interested in playing volleyball next year. If you are unable to make the meeting, please contact Coach Yuede to get the information. 5/15 Yuede Attention Art Club members – Our last meeting of the year will be in Mr. Leistner’s Rm. 160 after school on Thurs.May.15th. We will have a pizza party.
PARENT NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Need Help Studying For your Math Final???
Math Tutoring All Day
Tuesday May 20
Wednesday May 21
Friday May 23
Tuesday May 27
Wednesday May 28
Tutoring will be held in the following rooms:
1st Hour Room 203
2nd Hour Room 206
3rd Hour Room 208
4AB Room 225
4C5A Room 210
6th Hour Room 204
7th Hour Room 204
With teacher permission, you may attend from any class.
Must have a pass to enter!!!
Remember Math Tutoring is available before and after school too!
Monday thru Friday 6:25 – 7:15 in Room 205
Monday, Thursday Room 203 2:30 – 3:30
Tuesday, Friday Room 208 2:30 – 3:30
After-school Tutoring Schedule
Do you need help in Spanish?
Are you looking for ways to improve
your “nota” or your “destrezas locas”?
Then come to Spanish tutoring before or after school. SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2013 – 2014 school year