With block scheduling finally coming to an end, many people have mixed feelings about it. I myself very much enjoyed block scheduling in most cases; I liked the fact

that every day was not the same classes, as well as having a day of a break from some others. But with nearly two hours of unexciting classes, it could become annoying.
“I am looking forward to block scheduling ending because almost two hours of a certain class really exhausts you, I had never fallen asleep in a class before this,” freshman Jessie Gegg said.
One of the better things about block scheduling is that you usually have more time to finish up classwork, as well as whole extra day to finish up assignments. As we got further into it, I found myself becoming more and more comfortable with it.
“Where I’m from, [Virginia], we only do block scheduling,” freshman Troy Schaffer said.
Not everyone was as lucky as I was with their schedule, but most had one day of “better” classes that were not as bad as those on the other day. I had a split where both days were pretty much equal, so I enjoyed the change up.
“I am not looking forward to the end of block scheduling,” sophomore Eric Horton said. “it feels more organized and teachers have more time to get their lessons done when they have much more time.”
Whether students were lucky or not with how their classes were split, they won’t need to worry about it any longer as the schedule turns back to the normal seven class routine starting tomorrow.