multimedia package by Alex Bohnert
May 19, Amanda Knight an art teacher at FHN, wanted to introduce her Intro to Art
classes to printmaking. The class used a plastic sandwich bag, painted it and put it onto a piece
of paper and rolled a brayer over it to create their art piece.
“You are creating one thing and reusing it to create your actual art,” Knight said. “It’s an
interesting process.”
There are a variety of different ways to create a print including linoleum cut, intaglio, silkscreen,
monoprint, relief print, reduction print, ghost printing and monotyping. Monotyping, painting on an
non-absorbent surface, is the technique the 2 hour Intro class used. Knight wanted to expose
the class to printmaking and the potential it entails.
“I think it is important. I feel like like it gets lost.” Knight said. “It is an awesome technique. It was
one of my favorite classes in high school.”
Knight believes there are many possibilities when it comes to printmaking. The class started with
a practice print to get their feet wet so the process is not foreign. After the practice, the students
create their final printmaking masterpiece.
“The final is where they test their printmaking skills,” Knight said.
Introduction to Art counts as a full credit of fine art. The class experiments with the other higher
up elective classes such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics and many more art
forms. This class is used as a prerequisite for almost all art classes at FHN.
“Its a get away from the stress of other classes,” Danielle Whitehead, Intro to Art student, said.