Tues., May 20, some members of NHS went to the elementary school Harvest Ridge to help with their school’s carnival. They left for the carnival after fifth hour and didn’t get back until the end of seventh hour.

“I helped with the ring toss, cheered on the kids and encouraged them to have good sportsmanship during the games,” sophomore Teresa Wooten said. “I personally enjoyed it because I got to work with the kids and it was a hands-on job, and there was always something to do.”
A majority of the NHS students who went, went so they could knock out some of their community service hours and some of them wanted to visit their old teachers. NHS decided to help Harvest Ridge because they have good relations with the school.
“I went on the field trip to see the kids, and make the day fun for them because I love being around kids,” said junior Evan Miller. “The most memorable part of the field trip was when the kids made me do push-ups if they made it in these three holes on the beanbag toss. It was very painful.”