Tristan Chenoweth, Ryan Jensen, Adam Quigley contributed to this story
On Saturday, Aug. 16, Francis Howell North will be hosting it’s annual Black and Gold Day. Black and Gold Day will start at 3:00 p.m. and conclude around 8:30 p.m. This will be the first year that the turf field will be available for student use

including games like ultimate frisbee and Wiffle ball. Black and Gold serves as a fundraiser for the school’s various clubs and activities.
“What I’ve always looked forward to about Black and Gold Day is the kick off to the school year and all of the clubs and activities, and getting kids to participate and get involved.” Activities Director Mike Janes said.
PTO and the new group “Students for Students” will have a booth, along with numerous other FHN groups and organizations. According to Elise Gertsch, the booth may involve students throwing objects at teachers and administrators. This may include water balloons, cream pies, and bologna.
“I’m excited to see Students for Students throwing stuff at teachers,” Gertsch said. “I want to experience Black and Gold Day and see why people think it’s so fun.”
According to Janes in the past, fireworks closed out the festivities but due to city regulations, that is no longer possible. One of Janes’ fondest memories was when he was coaching for the softball team, they started selling lemonade at their booth to raise money and that tradition continues today.
“It’s just one of those things, I helped make happen, and to this day they’re still doing that.” Janes said.