The Howell North cross country team’s first meet is on Friday, August 28 at McNair Park.
“This meet is going to determine how the rest of the season is going to go and will show us what we need to improve on to make it to state,” senior Mike Butterfield said.

The team is excited for their season to start. Before the season they set individual goals for themselves, as well as team goals.
“We are looking to place at State as a team,” Butterfield said.
Expectations coaches have for the team this year are set very high. Returning this season to coach are Sean Fowler and Joe Brocksmith. This year also has first time coach Kim Krieger coaching the team.
“They [the coaches] are expecting us to improve on our previous times from last season,” junior Chase Powelson said.
This season, the teams Howell North normally competes against are not in their district or sectional anymore. This includes Howell North’s top rival Howell High. The runners have a tough season ahead running against harder teams, but the team said they are ready and will be ready to compete no matter who they run against.
“It is disappointing we won’t compete against Howell because they were good competition,” Powelson said. “We all push each other when we run against harder competition.”
The team is looking to have a successful season. According to Butterfield they need to work hard to have the season they want. They are hoping to have more successful run at state and go further this year than they did last year.
“We want all seven to place at state,” Butterfield said. “And we will work hard to make sure that happens”