September 22, 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are entering homecoming this week! This is an especially fun time of the year for our students and staff. It is our hope that all of our students who choose to participate will have a great time with their friends and classmates. These social experiences provide a different type of learning opportunity, and we are glad to be able to host such events at Francis Howell North. Homecoming will start with a spirit week; see below for each day’s exact theme. Wednesday will be our annual powder puff game. The powder-puff game will take place in our stadium at 6:30. Our Homecoming football game will take place on Friday night at 7 pm against Troy High School, and the dance is set to start at 7 pm on Saturday in our large gym.
Homecoming Spirit Daily Themes
(Monday) – Superhero – (Tuesday) – Tacky Tourist – (Wednesday) – Decades
(Thursday) – Black and Gold – (Friday) – Class Colors
It should be an awesome week full of memories for our students, but we would like to take a moment to remind you that our students face peer pressures all of the time, and these types of social activities may present kids with additional peer pressure to be involved with alcohol and/or illegal drugs. By the time students are in high school, they have been educated on the dangers and repercussions of such involvement; nonetheless, some will make bad choices. Such poor decisions can have both short-term and long-term implications. We are asking that you partner with us and reinforce a message of safety with your child. Your support will add additional credibility, and, hopefully, lessen the possibility of a bad choice being made.
One last issue I would like your support with is the “Junior/Senior class wars” that sometimes occur during this week. In the past it has often been minor pranks, but recently, it has led to some more serious property damage. These behaviors have caused police investigations and legal and financial issues. It has also carried over into the school environment and led to student discipline.
I wanted to make you aware so you could have quality family conversations around these topics so that our Knights make good decisions for themselves and represent your family and our school well. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you in the education of your child, and it is our hope that each of our students has a fun, safe, and drug and alcohol-free homecoming experience. If you have questions, or if you need some guidance on how to have such conversations with your child, please contact your child’s counselor or administrator.
Dr. Pam Sloan Mr. Andy Downs
Superintendent of Schools Principal – FHN High School
Below is the Online Backpack eFlyers for High School and District-wide.
FHC Band Boosters Chili’s Give Back Program
Francis Howell Parent club 1st Annual Spectacular Finds Vendor Sale
FHC 4th Annual Fall Craft Fair
Half-Year Boys and Girls Cheerleading
FHN Trunk Sale
FHC Wrestling Club
FHSD Special Olympics
My Martial Arts
Manufacturing Day
Gifted Support Network Family Trivia
FHSD Guest Speaker Dr. Gail Lovely
FHSD 2nd Annual Alumni Association Golf Tournament
SCC Fall Break Sessions
Missouri Day Celebration
Look After Hair for Homecoming
Club Z Fall Annual Achievement Award
Independence 5K Eagle Trot 9/26 Brandly
St. Louis U
8:20 a.m.
Webster University
9:15 a.m.
Chicago College of Perf. Arts
8:04 a.m.
Ranken Technical College
9:33 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
Southeast Mo State
12:30 p.m.
8:20 a.m.
Fontbonne U
9:30 a.m.
Drake University
8:20 a.m.
Western Illinois U
10:15 a.m.
Washington U
1:30 p.m.
Missouri Tech
12:30 p.m.
9:15 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Drury U
1:30 p.m.
Stephens College
11:35 a.m.
Dominican University Chicago
12:30 p.m.
Southeran Il U Carbondale
9:30 a.m.
Millikin U
12:12 p.m.
McKendree U
12:56 p.m.
U of Alabama
8:20 a.m.
St. Charles Com College
9:15 a.m.
Missouri Western State U
1:30 p.m.
Bradley University
12:30 p.m.
Maryville U
9:15 a.m.
U of Missouri-Columbia
8:20 a.m.
University of Central MO
9:15 a.m.
Attention Students and Parents: The FHN Counseling Department continually strives to develop and implement programs that promote the academic, career, and socioemotional development of our students. Because we value your input and hope to partner with you throughout this process, we invite all students and parents to click on the link below to complete a brief survey. Your feedback will help ensure that we are providing a comprehensive school counseling program that reflects the needs of our students. Your are not required to provide any identifying information. We appreciate your time and participation. 10/10 Herman
2014 – 2015
Attention students and parents of Sophomores and Juniors! The PSAT national exam date for FHN is Saturday, October 18, 2014. PSAT is National Merit Scholarship Corporation exam. Students that would like to compete at the national level for scholarships are encouraged to take the exam. 10/18 Woodrum
Attention A+ Students and Parents: Please click on the following link to read an important letter from the Missouri Department of Higher Education about a possible financial reduction to the A+ scholarship award. More details to follow as they become available. If you have questions, please contact MDHE. 10/31 Herman
Students of the week
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of Sept 22:
Freshman-Riley Kampff
Sophomore-Brayton Larson
Juniors-Emily Magana
Seniors-Quoc Nguyen
*C-Team softball won a thrilling last night, over a very good Seckman team, by a score of 5-4 Excellant pitching by Maddie Kraus and a lot of key defensive plays. Great game ladies, it was a lot of fun to be part of. 9/23 Stewart
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
HOUR 1 – A to C
HOUR 2 – D to H
HOUR 3 – I to M
HOUR 4 – N – Se
HOUR 5 – Sh to Z
Students who missed schedule pick-up and the re-take day will have another opportunity tomorrow, September 23, 2014. Attached is a list of students who will need to report to the auditorium. If a student is not on the list and expresses that they need their picture taken please send them to our office. Thank you! 9/23
Knightline will be selling Homecoming Black Out shirts on Tuesday and Wednesday during lunches for only $7. Make sure you get your shirt for the big game on Friday. 9/24 Kearns
Coffee with the Principal
Join us in the FHN Learning Commons at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 25th. You will meet with the FHN Administrative Team over coffee. We will discuss current events at FHN and would love to gather some of your ideas on how we can improve our communication in our community. 9/25 Steep
Learning Commons Book Collection Guidelines
FHSD Learning Commons have a broad selection of books, in print and online, available for checkout. You may see what we have to offer by clicking on the ‘Learning Commons’ tab on your school’s web page and then select ‘Find a Book’. Destiny, our library management system, will allow you to search the collection by entering specific book titles, authors, or subjects. You may see the E-book collection by clicking the ‘Follett Shelf’ tab, log in with your student’s login credentials:
(Login: firstinitiallastnamelast3digitsofID# and password: student created)
You may then search the E-book collection by searching in the same manner. We hope you will find that [your school name (‘s)] collection offers engaging choices that will foster a love of reading in your child. If you have questions or concerns regarding specific items in the collection, feel free to contact [media specialist name(s) at]. 9/26 (Downs)
Homecoming Dance tickets will be on sale for North students during all lunches for $20 from September 22-26. If you plan to being a guest, guest forms are outside room 217 and in the main office. 9/26 Wilkens
The Homecoming Dance, A Knight of Fire and Frost, will take place on September 27, from 7-10pm. The attire is semi-formal and it is sure to be awesome. Come and join the over 1,000 students who attend each year! 9/27 Wilkens
“Did You Know?”
OUR DRUG CULTURE: Homecoming and Alcohol
Homecoming is an annual rite of passage for high school students, and one that often involves alcohol. Underage drinking and alcohol-related crashes involving minors tend to increase during homecoming season.
•22% of teen drivers involved in fatal car crashes were drinking
•More than half of fatal motor accidents involving teen drivers occur on weekends
Here are 5 actions parents can take to prevent underage drinking:
—– Discuss your expectations about alcohol use- Parents do influence teens’ drinking decisions. Research shows children may interpret a parent’s failure to talk about underage drinking as indifference, making them more likely to use alcohol. Have regular conversations with your teen about alcohol misuse, and specifically talk about it before events, like homecoming, that may include alcohol.
—– Find out who your teen will be with and talk with the other students’ parents- It is illegal and dangerous to provide alcohol to teens in the home (social hosting). Asking questions will help keep your teen safe.
—– Provide a sober after-party space- Providing an alcohol-free environment allows the party to keep going safely. And it’s important for parents to actively supervise after-parties. Adults can be held responsible for failing to supervise minors who are later caught drinking, even if the adult didn’t supply or know about the alcohol.
—– Offer to drive or pay for a limo- Providing a guaranteed designated driver ensures your child won’t end up in a car with an intoxicated person behind the wheel. Driving your teen or using a car service also removes other risks, such as texting or distracted driving, which may increase with the excitement of the evening.
—– Let your teen know you are “on call”- While parents should not condone underage drinking, it’s important for teens to know they can call for help if they or their friends don’t have a safe ride or are in danger.
Resources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sobering Up, Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.
Contact guidance for more information about Preferred Family Healthcare
9/27 Downs
On Tuesday, September 30 from 4pm-8pm the FHN Track and Field team will have a fund raiser night at St. Louis Bread Company on Zumbehl. Please bring the attached flyer with you and bring your family and friends. 9/30 Louis-Bauer
*FHN Knightline is sponsoring a Trunk Sale on October 4 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the parking lot. Come sell your books, housewares, clothing, etc. All sellers and vendors are welcome. Secure your spot for $15 by October 3 at 5 pm. Contact Zina Freidman at 314-799-0207 or 10/4 Rokita
Francis Howell North Parents & Guardians
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on:
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 and Thursday, October 9, 2014
4:00 PM to 7:30 PM
We look forward to seeing you! 10/9 Blankenship
*On 10/9 in the auditorium during Parent/Teacher Conferences, Princeton Review will go over sophomore ACTs. This is a follow up to the school wide ACT test administered to all sophomores on 9/18. There will be three 20-30 minute sessions at 5:30pm, 6:15pm, and 7:00pm. 10/9 Birch
FHSD Alumni Association To Host Second Annual Golf Tournament
The Francis Howell School District Alumni Association will be holding the second annual Golf Tournament on Monday, October 13, 2014, at Old Hickory Golf Club in St. Peters. The tournament is designed to bring together District alumni, local businesses, and the FHSD community for an afternoon of fun. This activity will benefit and help fund the establishment of an Alumni Association in the District.
Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. followed by a shotgun start and tournament play at 11:00 a.m. The cost to play in the tournament is $125 per person and includes green fees, golf cart, on course non-alcoholic beverages, lunch, buffet dinner, and a chance to win various prizes. The entry deadline is October 3.
Click to view for the registration flyer. For more details, visit the tournament’s website orFacebook Page. 10/13 Henry
Math Tutoring
Available BEFORE School
Monday through Friday
6:30 – 7:15
Room 205
Available AFTER School
2:30 – 3:30
Tuesday & Thursday
Room 203
Monday & Friday
Room 208
SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
6:45 am
Room #
2:30 pm
Room #
(during homeroom,
not after school)
Activities & Clubs
Attention Art Club members – There will be a meeting on Thurs. after school in Mr. Leistner’s Rm.160. We will start making t-shirts designs. 9/25 Leistner
*The first Anime Club meeting is this Thursday, Sept 25thright after school until 3:15 in room 201. 9/25 Freeman
Juniors in NHS will have a meeting on Fri Sept 26 at 7am in Com 1. 9/26 Malkmus
Support our Fundraiser Francis Howell North FCA
You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash
7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
Students in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program-If your student was in the program last year you have until Sept 30, 2014 to reapply for free and reduced lunches for the 2014-2015 school year. 9/30 Lascuito
Francis Howell North Parents & Guardians
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on:
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 and Thursday, October 9, 2014
4:00 PM to 7:30 PM
We look forward to seeing you! 10/9 Blankenship
The Francis Howell School District has designated the following days, in the 2014-15 school calendar, as make up days, for snow or other inclement weather. We ask that families, please avoid scheduling vacations or other events on these dates, so that your children will not have to miss school should we need to use these days for makeup. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Snow Day
Make Up Date
May 22, 2015
March 9, 2015
March 10, 2015
March 11, 2105
May 26, 2015
May 27, 2015
May 28, 2015
May 29, 2015
June 1, 2015
June 2, 2015
Parents: Text book and other fines (not library) are now shown in your students profile under “fees”. You can access them by clicking on fees and “all years”. If there is a fine showing, hold cursor over fine and it will tell what the fine is for. 9/30 Downs