The Volunteer Knights Program was invited to take part in a PSA (public service announcement) on Friday, September 12 with the St. Louis Rams, Fox Sports Midwest, and the American Red Cross. Health,

weight training, fitness for life teacher, and sponsor of the Volunteer Knights Program Jenelle Louis-Bauer attended with seniors Dominique Meyer and Sam Ritchie who participated in the commercial. The purpose was to help encourage blood donations and to raise awareness about the importance given to the American Red Cross. The PSA is currently airing on Fox Sports Midwest during Rams games as well as at the Edward Jones Dome during the football games.
“The best part was getting to talk to the other student athletes in the area,” Meyer said. “It’s cool to be able to say I’ve been in an advertisement.”
Every year, the Volunteer Knights Program does a blood drive and during the PSA, Rams player Barrett Jones talked about the importance of giving blood. Ritchie’s and Meyer’s role in the commercial was to sit back, smile, and cheer a lot as they wore Francis Howell North gear to represent our school.
“Dominique was right in front with FHN on her shirt so I thought that was pretty cool,” Louis-Bauer said. “I loved being able to see the kids take part in that with people who have the same interest in volunteer work that they do.”