The annual German Club-hosted event, Oktoberfest, was hosted Oct. 7 in the FHN Commons. Full of music, dancing and refreshments, the event was aimed at letting students appreciate German culture.
“It’s kind of a non-pressured situation for kids to meet other kids,” said German Teacher Anne McPartland.
McPartland, known around the school as “Frau,” has attendees partake in group dances. Usually to German music of different genres, it’s a way for people to interact with each other in a fun, friendly atmosphere.
“Sometimes our homecoming is more for older kids that know everyone and other kids feel out of place,” McPartland said. “With Oktoberfest, it’s cool because it’s not just for German students, but for all three language clubs. Really, all students are welcome.”
Admission was two dollars for any language club member and three dollars for anyone else. If a language club member brought 4 non-members, they could get in for free.
“Really, the admission goes to buying our pizza for the night,” McPartland laughed. “You get pizza, snacks, dancing and two hours of fantastic fun. Really, we should charge like ten dollars.”