*Attention A+ Juniors…don’t forget that Tuesday 11/25 is the last day to sign up for a Spring A+ tutoring assignment! Go to to sign up online. 11/25 Herman
*Below are the High School and District Wide Flyers
Francis Howell North High School Curriculum Night December 2, 2014 6:30 to 8:30 pm 6:30 to 7:00 2019 Freshmen presentation is in large gym. 7:00 to 8:00 Curriculum Fair: High School faculty, department chairs, and club sponsors will be available in the small gym. These informational meetings are opportunities for Knights and parents to become familiar with the FHN! Please park in the lower lot behind the school near the football field. Breakout Sessions: 7:30 to 8:30 A + ~ Room 65 Advanced Placement ~ Room 57 Career Cruising ~ Room 58 Each Breakout Session will last 20 minutes. Belcher Scholarship at the MSBA website is Essay is due to FHN Guidance by November 21, 2014 CALL FOR APPLICANTS FOR THE ‘UNIVERSIDAD YA! SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM.’ FOR HISPANIC COLLEGE-BOUND AND COLLEGE STUDENTS IN THE ST. LOUIS REGION. DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 29TH, 2014!
Eligibility requirements: Applicant must be a current Hispanic undergraduate college student who is attending an accredited non-profit higher education institution in the U.S., such as a four year college, a community college or a trade/technical college. Citizens, legal residents & DACA (Deferred Action Childhood Arrival) students can apply. Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA or better since the Universidad YA! Avanza Scholarship is merit-based; Applicant can attend a higher education institution, either part-time or full-time; Applicant must be enrolled in at least six credits each semester; Applicant must be a resident of the St. Louis region, Missouri; and, Applicant must be Hispanic and have at least one parent of Hispanic descent.
Eligibility requirements: Applicant must be a Hispanic high school senior student entering college the following fall of the scholarship application year; Citizens, legal residents & DACA (Deferred Action Childhood Arrival) students can apply; Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA or better for the Universidad YA! Nonrenewable Scholarship which is need-based; Applicant must provide an admission letter from the accredited non-profit higher education institution in the U.S. in which he/she is enrolled, such as a four year college, a community college or a trade/technical college; Applicant will attend the non-profit higher education institution, either as a part-time or full-time student; Applicant must be enrolled in at least three credits each semester; Applicant must be a resident of the St. Louis region, Missouri; and, Applicant must be Hispanic and have at least one parent of Hispanic descent. Junior year is when the Academy application process truly begins. Students will start by filling out the Pre-Candidate Questionnaire, which becomes available online March 1every year. Students must submit their Pre-Candidate Questionnaire online between March 1 of their junior year and December 31 of their senior year. Between March 1 of their junior year and December 31 of their senior year, students must also request nominations from a designated nomination category. If a student is interested in seeing what life at the Academy is really like, they should consider applying to our Summer Seminar program. Designed for high school juniors during the summer before their senior year, this program is highly competitive with a limited number of spaces available. Academy Application (not early eligibility) 31 Jan Latest Test Dates for SAT/ACT Feb 1/31 Woodrum |
Students of the week |
*Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of Nov24: Freshman-Audrey Forth Sophomore-Aimee Clive Juniors-Mary Studt Seniors-Sean Whitehill |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Students can pick up forms from the main office at Ms. Kimball’s desk beginning today (Nov 21st) after lunch for both EOC earned exemptions and ACT exemptions. To obtain their exam exemptions, students will need to pick up a form and then follow the process listed below.
Please remember that on the day of the exam, the student must have a 90% in the class or they will not be allowed to use the exemption. Final Exam Exemption forms will be due back to the Main Office by December 5th at 3:00p.m. No late forms will be accepted. Also, just a reminder that students WILL NOT be allowed to use exam exemptions for the state mandated EOCs, any PLTW course exam, and will not be allowed to exempt their first semester final in any AP course. 12/5 Blankenship PARENTS – With the cold and flu season upon us, please remind your student to go to the nurses office when not feeling well. Students have been texting parents from class stating they are not feeling well. For your convenience and to avoid disruption of class, it is important for students to come to our office to contact you. If the student needs to leave school, they can contact you from our office and be in our office waiting for you if pick up is required. That way, we are also aware of any illnesses present in our building. Also, please remember the policy adopted by the FHSD is to exclude students sent home with fever until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please help us control the spread of viral illness and disease by complying with our 24 hour exclusion policy after your child is sent home with a fever, or after developing a fever while at home. Thank you for your cooperation! FHN Nurse Office 12/22 Available BEFORE School Monday through Friday 6:30 – 7:15 Room 205 Available AFTER School 2:30 – 3:30 Tuesday & Thursday Room 203 Monday & Friday Room 208 SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
Activities & Clubs |
*There will be a Rugby meeting on Nov 25 after school in room 65. 11/25 Locke You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005 Auto Spa Speedy Wash 2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO 6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO 2014-15 Youth Spectator Guidelines All students and children currently enrolled in the eighth grade and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult to be admitted to or remain at the event. We expect students and children to remain under the supervision of the adult that they are attending the event with. Accompanying adults are asked to maintain diligent supervision of those youth spectators for which they have assumed responsibility the entire contest. Any youth spectators found to be without adult supervision will be returned to the adult(s) they came to game with. If their adults are unable to be found, they will be held outside the stadium until a responsible adult comes to pick them up or accompany them back to the game. Sportsmanship/Cheering Expectations For the enjoyment of all, the following expectations for fans, players, and students will be enforced:
Pre-Game Activities
Dress Code at Outside Events
PARENT NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Parents- The multiple choice portions of Final Exams will be given December 17-19. During classes when exams are in progress, students will not be called out of the class as it may disrupt students in the room as they complete these challenging assessments. If your student is leaving school early on one of these days, please call early in the morning and leave a message so that we may provide him/her a pass to leave. This will be very helpful in having your student released from school as soon as the exam period ends. If you have specific questions, please call 851-4900 and we will be happy to speak with you. 12/19 Birch All Knighter – If you are not receiving emails about All Knighter activities, please send an email to to be added to the list.
The Francis Howell School District has designated the following days, in the 2014-15 school calendar, as make up days, for snow or other inclement weather. We ask that families, please avoid scheduling vacations or other events on these dates, so that your children will not have to miss school should we need to use these days for makeup. Thank you for your help in this matter.