Day 1:
Day 2: Jared Leto Cast as The Joker in Upcoming DC Universe Movie
Over the next five to 10 years, DC Comics will be making a lot of new movies. So far, 11 have been announced. One scheduled to release in 2016 titled “Suicide Squad” is going to be based around the series’ main villains. Jared Leto, vocalist of 30 Seconds to Mars is going to be playing the role as the infamous villain The Joker.
For more information, check out the link below.
Day 3: Gwen Stefani Releases New Song and Video
On Dec. 1, long time well known musician Gwen Stefani released a new music video for a song called “Spark the Fire”. It is produced by Pharrell and I like Gwen Stefani’s voice in No Doubt, so I was expecting this to be pretty good. It is without a doubt the worst song and video combination I have ever heard. I’m not just saying that because I’m not usually a fan of pop music. I’m saying it because it is a travesty. This song is so bad I was actually angry listening to it.
Before I even go into the mess they call a video, let me just discuss the song. It starts out with promise. The first twenty seconds or so start off with an interesting bit of singing that sounds like a great buildup. After that, it’s the most repetitive piece of trash. It’s mostly just Stefani repeating “Who brought the lighter? Let’s start the fire,” over and over in an obnoxious yelling tone. I skipped around to random spots in the song and it all sounded exactly the same. I was laughing the entire time. I’m honestly surprised Pharrell let this garbage happen.
Now for the video part of it. It’s a mixture of strange pop art animation blended with awful green screening and topping it off with, of course, twerking. I thought it was going to be a cool, interesting, artistic music video, again, only for the first twenty seconds. That’s when the emoji filled twerking section starts. Every line of the song has text popped up on the screen, and there are usually emoji-type characters popping up. Also, she starts the verse with “OMG, OMG, I’m back again,” and that’s just gross.
Words can’t truly express the catastrophe that is this song and video. Just check it out for yourself if you’re looking for something to make fun of.
Day 4: Free Music Friday
This week’s installment of Free Music Friday is Drawback’s “To Live Honestly”. This four track ep is very, very good. It’s unique while having a very used sound. It’s a strange combination and I can’t quite put my finger on why I enjoy it as much as I do, but I find myself listening to it a lot. My favorite track is “Laid to Rest”. To get the download, follow the link below.