After saying good-bye to last years seniors, the girls swimming team is eager to get back in the water and continue swimming.
“I am most excited for the meets,” Emily Floyd said. “The feeling of competition and the time you spend together is the best part.”
The girls have been preparing for the season by doing a lot of exercises out of the water. According to senior Maleya Schmidt, conditioning out of the pool helps the team work harder and really pushes them. The girls usually practice every night at the Rec-Plex from 8 p.m.- 10 p.m. The team also has some big goals to achieve so they use these practices to really help them by swimming sets of 50 and 100 for various strokes.
“We are striving this year to win more events,” Floyd said. “It is more likely we will because we have a bigger time and more experience so we can enter more people and get more points which will lead us to winning at more events like the IM’s and the 100 fly.”
Since the team is striving to win more events, the team will have to increase their endurance and get more swimmers experienced in multiple strokes. According to Floyd, some swimmers have never swam before and some only swim one stroke which will make this goal more difficult.
“I think we will do a lot better than last year,” Schmidt said. “We have a lot of really good swimmer and I feel very confident.”