As most people across the nation know, Darren Wilson, the police officer who killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, was not indicted, meaning that the Ferguson Grand Jury did not conclude that there was enough evidence to proceed with a trial. Due to this decision, rioters in Ferguson set fire to many places such as a Littl Ceasars, a furniture shop, and a cell phone store by the name of JC Wireless. Those are just a few business that were set to flames on Monday, Nov. 24 and Tuesday, Nov. 25. When a tragedy such as the death of Michael Brown happens, combatting violence with violence is not the solution.
To want peace, you should show peace. I can say that I am glad to see the transition of the protesters going from bad to good. Destroying their own community and hurting innocent people was not the right way to react to the decision that the jury made. In my eyes, the right way to react is exactly what they are doing now; students and teachers from Ferguson schools are coming together to peacefully protest the decision by walking with signs they have made. Additionally, on Nov. 30., five Rams players showed their support by putting their hands up for “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”.
The next step for Ferguson is to help rebuild their community and continue protesting peacefully instead of using violence. Hopefully, the community will continue to use their voices and not their weapons.