Highschool and District-wide Online Backpack eFlyers:
For helpful tips, read this month’s Parent Newsletter! Click here 2015-2016 Registration Students receive Career Cruising instructions and Enrollment Guides this week. Registration Portal is open January 13 to January 22. Registration Enrollment video link is below
Students will participate in an enrollment lesson during their English class next week in the computer lab. Students will be advised not “click” Submit until they discuss their 15-16 course selections at home. Please review you student’s course selections prior to midnight on January 22nd and then “click” submit. Registration Help Session: January 20, 2015 in the Learning Commons from 4:00 to 7:00 pm
Financial Aid Night St. Charles Community College Federal Aid & Scholarship Coordinator. 1/
FHN will be hosting a parent information night on Tuesday, January 20, from 6:00-7:00pm in the Auditorium. The National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse (NCADA) will be presenting “Signs & Symptoms.” From alcohol to marijuana and prescription drugs, “Signs & Symptoms” explores current trends in teenage drug use. With this knowledge, parents will be armed with the information they need if they are concerned about their own teen or a friend of their teen. Parents will also be given resources to help prevent drug use in their teen and practical tips on how to talk to their teen about drugs. 1/20 Johnson Air Force Academy Scholarships Junior year is when the Academy application process truly begins. Students will start by filling out the Pre-Candidate Questionnaire, which becomes available online March 1every year.
Students must submit their Pre-Candidate Questionnaire online between March 1 of their junior year and December 31 of their senior year.
Between March 1 of their junior year and December 31 of their senior year, students must also request nominations from a designated nomination category.
If a student is interested in seeing what life at the Academy is really like, they should consider applying to our Summer Seminar program. Designed for high school juniors during the summer before their senior year, this program is highly competitive with a limited number of spaces available.
Latest Test Dates for SAT/ACT 1/31 Woodrum Attention A+ Students and Parents: Please click on the following link to read an update and FAQ from the Missouri Department of Higher Education about a possible financial reduction to the A+ scholarship award for the Spring 2015 semester. More details to follow as they become available. If you have questions, please contact MDHE.
Students of the week |
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of Jan 6:
Freshman-Daniel Gordon |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
**** Special ALL DAY Dining event MONDAY JAN 12 at TGIFRIDAY’s ****
Students that had semester parking permits, if you are still driving with that permit you are driving illegally. To get a parking permit for this semester come to Office 23 and fill out an application and be sure and bring an insurance card with an expiration date to verify your insurance is still in effect. Tickets will be given starting Thursday 1/8.
Students who have parking tickets that have not been paid from last semester will have their permit pulled until they are paid. 1/9 Hood
PARENTS – With the cold and flu season upon us, please remind your student to go to the nurses office when not feeling well. Students have been texting parents from class stating they are not feeling well. For your convenience and to avoid disruption of class, it is important for students to come to our office to contact you. If the student needs to leave school, they can contact you from our office and be in our office waiting for you if pick up is required. That way, we are also aware of any illnesses present in our building.
Also, please remember the policy adopted by the FHSD is to exclude students sent home with fever until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please help us control the spread of viral illness and disease by complying with our 24 hour exclusion policy after your child is sent home with a fever, or after developing a fever while at home. Thank you for your cooperation! FHN Nurse Office 3/1
Do you know anyone that would love to have breakfast with Olaf, Anna & Elsa? FHN All-Knighter is sponsoring Breakfast with Olaf, Anna & Elsa on Jan 10th (Jan 24 just in case Elsa gets a little upset & make us have a snow day). This will be held in Commons at FHN
Tickets are $10 each (children under 2 are free) There will be UNLIMITED Pancakes & Sausage, Crafts, Raffles, Meet & Greet with Olaf, Anna, & Elsa plus Photo Opportunities. Seating is limited & we are having 2 sessions (9am & 10:30am). For Reservations: Please mail the following information & payment to Tracy Heath, 218 Birchleaf Dr., St. Peters, MO 63376 – family name, – name of school, – email address, – # of adults ($10), – # of children 2 & over ($10), – # of children under 2 (free) – indicate which session you would like to attend 9am or 10:30am Make checks payable to FHN All-Knighter. Payments may also be accepted through Pay Pal: 9am session: https://www.paypal. or 10:30am session: https://www.paypal. Questions may be sent to: Reservations accepted through 1/3/2015. Flyer available in FHN office, or watch online backpack. 1/10 Schulze Saturday, January 17, 2015 – Professional Firefighters of Eastern Missouri Hall trivia night to raise funds for Francis Howell North Bands. Doors open at 6:15pm, trivia begins at 7pm. $160 per table with a maximum of 8 people per table ($20 per person). The price increases to $25 per person for sign up after Jan. 3, 2015. Admission includes adult beverages, soda, and popcorn. You are welcome to bring in snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. You may purchase adult beverages at the hall. Mulligans will be available for purchase before the start of the first round. Prizes will be awarded to the top 2 teams. Location: Professional Firefighters of Eastern Missouri Hall at 115 McMenamy Rd. in St Peters, MO 63376. Proceeds to help offset costs for marching band, winter guard, winter percussion, concert, symphonic, and jazz band for FHN students. Visit for more information. To reserve a table or make a donation, contact Steve Willott at <fhnbandstrivia2015 at>* or by phone at(636) 399-4115. 1/17 Willott
Available BEFORE School Available AFTER School SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
Activities & Clubs
Activities for the week ofJan 5-Jan 11
DATE DAY OPPONENT SPORT LEVEL H/A TIME Thu 01/08/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS PARKWAY SOUTH JV H HOME 5:00 pm Thu 01/08/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS STC HS C-Team A AWAY 6:30 pm Thu 01/08/15 BASKETBALL/GIRLS ST C HS C-Team A ST C HIGH 5:00 pm 2:45 PM Special Events FCA MEETING COMMONS HOME 6:30-8:00 PM Special Events RUGBY MEETING AUDITORIU AUDITORIUM 7:00 PM Thu 01/08/15 SWIM/GIRLS HAZ C/MCCLUER TRI-MEET Var A Haz Cl 4:00 pm 2:45 PM(Cancelled) Fri 01/09/15 BASKETBALL/GIRLS FTZW JV A FT ZUMWALT WEST 5:30 pm 4:00 PM Fri 01/09/15 BASKETBALL/GIRLS FT ZUMWALT WEST Varsity A AWAY 7:00 pm Fri 01/09/15 Special Events GROU PHOTO DAY HOURS 1-3 SM GYM H HOME 7:30 am Special Events MOCK ROCK AUD 7:00 PM 01/09/15–01/10/15 Speech/Debate OAKVILLE NOVICE SPEECH Varsity A OAKVILLE Speech/Debate PARKWAY NORTH NOVICE 01/09/15–01/10/15 WRESTLING GAC V TOURN @SCW Var A JEFFERSON CITY Sat 01/10/15 Scholar Quiz ORCHARD FARM 9th/JV/Var A ORCHARD FARM 2:30 PM Sat 01/10/15 Special Events IAABO JR LEAGUE-HALSALL GYMS 8AM- HOME 7:00 PM Sat 01/10/15 Special Events BREAKFAST W/OLAF,ANNA,ELSA COM 7:00 AM-1:00 PM Mon 01/12/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS FT ZW C-Team H Howell North 6:00 pm 01/12/15–01/17/15 BASKETBALL/GIRLS WARRENTON TOURNAMENT Varsity A Mon 01/12/15 BASKETBALL/GIRLS FT ZW C-Team H Howell North 4:30 pm Mon 01/12/15 Special Events GIRL SCOUT LEADER MTG COM 5 H 6:00 pm 9:00 PM Tue 01/13/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS TROY/BUCHANAN HS JV A TROY 5:30 pm 4:00 PM Tue 01/13/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS TROY/BUCHANAN HS Varsity A AWAY 7:00 pm Tue 01/13/15 Scholar Quiz FHHS 9th/JV/Var A 3:30 pm 2:30 PM Special Events GROUP REG –GUIDANCE AUD ALL DAY 7:00 am 2:30 PM Special Events FINANCIAL AID NIGHT AUD 7-8:s0 PM HOME FHN Tue 01/13/15 SWIM/GIRLS HOWELL/TIMBERLAND Tri Meet Varsity H Home 8:30 pm Wed 01/14/15 Special Events STUDO GROUP MEETING AUD during HR Special Events CLASS RING Information PRESENTATIONS AUDITORIUM HOME Wed 01/14/15 WRESTLING TIMBERLAND 9th/JV/Var H Howell North 6:00 pm Special Events GROUP REG –GUIDANCE AUD ALL DAY 7:00-2:30 PM Thu 01/15/15 Spec Events GIRL SCOUT TROOP – WINKELER COM 5 6:30 pm 9:00 PM Special Events HACKMANN HOME OWNERS ASSOC MTG COM 7-8:30 PM Fri 01/16/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS PARKWAY N HS C-Team H Howell North 4:00 pm Fri 01/16/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS PARKWAY NORTH HS JV H Howell North 5:30 pm Fri 01/16/15 BASKETBALL/BOYS PARKWAY NORTH HS Varsity H Howell North 7:00 pm Fri 01/16/15 Special Events HAT DAY #1 FRESHMAN CLASS Anime Club: Next meeting is Thursday, Jan 8 in room 201 from 2:30 until 4pm. Thursday afternoon, you will receive information and passes for the yearbook group picture for Friday, Jan 9th. To sign up for Remind for text alerts about Anime Club, text @e9ec41 to 573-535-5528. 1/8 Freeman Sign Language Club will be meeting Thursday, January 08, 2015, from 02:30 p.m. to 03:15 p.m. In Room 132. Come to this meeting to get your pass to be involved in the group picture for the yearbook. Photos will be taken this Friday. 1/8 Smith *Juniors in NHS have a meeting inCom 1 at 6:50 on Friday Jan 9. 1/9 Malkmus You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash 7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
2014-15 Youth Spectator Guidelines
All students and children currently enrolled in the eighth grade and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult to be admitted to or remain at the event. We expect students and children to remain under the supervision of the adult that they are attending the event with.
Accompanying adults are asked to maintain diligent supervision of those youth spectators for which they have assumed responsibility the entire contest. Any youth spectators found to be without adult supervision will be returned to the adult(s) they came to game with. If their adults are unable to be found, they will be held outside the stadium until a responsible adult comes to pick them up or accompany them back to the game.
Sportsmanship/Cheering Expectations
For the enjoyment of all, the following expectations for fans, players, and students will be enforced:
Pre-Game Activities
Dress Code at Outside Events
All Knighter – If you are not receiving emails about All Knighter activities, please send an email to to be added to the list. The Francis Howell School District has designated the following days, in the 2014-15 school calendar, as make up days, for snow or other inclement weather. We ask that families, please avoid scheduling vacations or other events on these dates, so that your children will not have to miss school should we need to use these days for makeup. Thank you for your help in this matter.