Day 1: The #JesseChallenge
Relevant podcaster Jesse Carey is going to be doing the unthinkable. Before I tell you what horrible, psychologically damaging thing this poor man is going to be doing to himself, I will tell you it’s for charity. People are donating money to the Charity Water organization in an effort to build a well in an area where there isn’t readily available water, and he set up an account to get people to raise money for it while he does his horrible thing.
What Carey is doing is so detrimental to his health that I am personally very concerned. He may be doing this in an effort to raise money, but he has to think about his own health issues that could arise because of what he’s doing. Please, be aware, what he is doing is very shocking.
Carey will be listening to Nickelback for seven days straight. That’s one week, seven days, 168 hours. I am thoroughly convinced that he could die. If not death, there could be serious repercussions. There probably will be mental and hearing damage. That’s not to mention the relationships that could crumble due to the 168 consecutive hours of Nickelback.
In all seriousness, Carey is doing something very hard for a very good cause. He wanted to do something that’s an incredible challenge because he knows that it’s not even close to the challenges that the people who can’t get to water face every day. It’s a reputable organization that will build a well with all the money donated. Currently, over $6000 has been donated in his name, and there is still 49 days left to donate.
If you want to donate to help the great cause and support the incredible feat the Jesse Carey will be undergoing, click the link below.
Day 2: BrokenCYDE Fails Miserably
It’s no secret that BrokenCYDE is a generally hated band. With bad recording, offensive lyrics, and music that’s offensive to the listeners’ ear drums, most people cringe when they hear the name. They were fairly successful back in the early 2010s in the middle school scene crowd.
BrokenCYDE recently started an IndieGoGo campaign to try to raise $30,000 to help fund their new album. How much did they actually raise in the two month span the campaign was open? A staggering $1,421. That’s 5%. It’s kind of incredible when them, a real band can only raise this much, and Jarrod Alonge can raise over $20,00 for his parody band.
If you’ve never listened to BrokenCYDE before, check out the video below to fully understand why they only received 5% of their goal.
Day 3: Warped Tour Updates
This round of new bands announced is a both exciting and disappointing one. Emarosa is one band, but they will not be playing St. Louis. The other bands are PUP, ’68, Bebe Rexha, Mod Sun, MC Lars, and The Karma Killers. Check out the full lineup below.
Vans Warped Tour