Beginning on or about Feb. 20, 2015, a comprehensive survey of FHSD patrons’ opinions will begin. The survey of 380 households will provide insight into what residents think about the Francis Howell School District’s strengths, challenges, and priorities, and give the District an opportunity to hear from a cross-section of its patrons regarding our performance, and what our priorities should be for the future. The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes and will include responses from all geographic parts of the district, people of all different ages, and everyone from newcomers to long-term residents. To learn more about the survey, click here. 2/20 Henry AP Registration is now open! AP teachers have received the AP registration forms to distribute to students in their classes. The registration form and payment (check only made out to FHN) are due in the Guidance Office by 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 5. The registration form can also be found on the FHN Guidance website. 3/5 Johnson
Air Force Academy Scholarships Junior year is when the Academy application process truly begins. Students will start by filling out the Pre-Candidate Questionnaire, which becomes available online March 1every year.
Students must submit their Pre-Candidate Questionnaire online between March 1 of their junior year and December 31 of their senior year.
Between March 1 of their junior year and December 31 of their senior year, students must also request nominations from a designated nomination category.
If a student is interested in seeing what life at the Academy is really like, they should consider applying to our Summer Seminar program. Designed for high school juniors during the summer before their senior year, this program is highly competitive with a limited number of spaces available. The Science Club is offering a $500 scholarship to this years graduating class. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. The deadline for completion isMarch 27th, 2015. 3/27 Kelly FHN Mu Alpha Theta is offering two $500 scholarships to Mu Alpha Theta members who are 2015 graduating seniors. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. The deadline for completion is April 1, 2015. 4/1 Stratton
Students of the week |
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of Feb 17: Freshman-Peter Bennett Sophomore-Eric Underwood Junior-Brandon McCarty Senior-Simon Marshak |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Parent/Teacher conferences coming up Tuesday, March 5 and Thursday, March 7from 4:00 – 7:30 in the teacher’s classroom. 3/7 Blankenship
PARENTS – With the cold and flu season upon us, please remind your student to go to the nurses office when not feeling well. Students have been texting parents from class stating they are not feeling well. For your convenience and to avoid disruption of class, it is important for students to come to our office to contact you. If the student needs to leave school, they can contact you from our office and be in our office waiting for you if pick up is required. That way, we are also aware of any illnesses present in our building. Also, please remember the policy adopted by the FHSD is to exclude students sent home with fever until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please help us control the spread of viral illness and disease by complying with our 24 hour exclusion policy after your child is sent home with a fever, or after developing a fever while at home. Thank you for your cooperation! FHN Nurse Office 3/1 JUNIOR PARENTS!!! Before long we’ll have graduating seniors too! Help raise funds for their All-Knighter Celebration by running the annual FHN Craft Fair! It’s scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015! There are step-by-step, written instructions on the work to be done, and always lots of helpers. We just need someone to lead the way. Please contact Sharon at fhnallknightercraftfair@gmail.
Available BEFORE School Available AFTER School SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
Activities & Clubs
Activities for the week of Feb 9
The FHN EVENTS CALENDAR is located at . *Attention Art Club members – There will be a meeting after school tomorrow at 2.30 in Mr. Leistner’s Rm.160. 2/19.Leistner February 18 1:45-5:00 p.m. Fall: Football, Cheerleading, colorguard, softball, volleyball, soccer. Want to see your artwork, photography, short stories, poetry and other creative work published on the web? Come check us out! FHN’s Lit Mag is up and running again, but now, it’s online! See what it’s all about. Feb. 26th, 2:30 in the Learning Commons. Questions? See Mrs. Fingers in room 135. 2/26 Fingers REQUIRED PAPERWORK FOR TRYOUTS-PLEASE GIVE TO THE COACH OR THE ACTIVITIES OFFICE PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 27. *2015-2016 FHN Knightline Dance Team Tryouts Mandatory Parent and Dancer Info Meeting Tuesday, February 24th at 6pm in the FHN commons Try outs: All nights are mandatory Monday, March 23rd 5-9 FHN Gym Tuesday, March 24th 5-9 FHN Commons Wednesday, March 25th 5-9 FHN Gym Thursday, March 26th 5-9 FHN Gym Friday, March 27th 5-? FHN Gym Contact JV Coach Kristine Toeniskoetter with any questions. kristine.toeniskoetter@
Love Trivia? Want to help out a GREAT FHN organization? Sign up for the 2nd Annual FHN Football Trivia Night!!! The event will be held Saturday, March 28th at the Lions Club on Central School Road. Attached is a flyer with the details – including how to reserve your table now!!! Several table package options are available. We’re not your typical Trivia Night where you need to prep by reading the encyclopedia. We host a “fun”, “anyone can participate” event. If you have any questions please email Susan Gordon at THANKS for your support! 3/28 Gordon
Support our Fundraiser Francis Howell North FCA You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash 7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
2014-15 Youth Spectator Guidelines
All students and children currently enrolled in the eighth grade and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult to be admitted to or remain at the event. We expect students and children to remain under the supervision of the adult that they are attending the event with.
Accompanying adults are asked to maintain diligent supervision of those youth spectators for which they have assumed responsibility the entire contest. Any youth spectators found to be without adult supervision will be returned to the adult(s) they came to game with. If their adults are unable to be found, they will be held outside the stadium until a responsible adult comes to pick them up or accompany them back to the game.
Sportsmanship/Cheering Expectations
For the enjoyment of all, the following expectations for fans, players, and students will be enforced:
Pre-Game Activities
Dress Code at Outside Events
Dr. Dave Wedlock, Francis Howell Principal
Dr. Sonny Arnel, Francis Howell Central Principal
Mr. Scott Harris, CMAA, Francis Howell Central Activities Director
Mr. Andy Downs, Ed.S., Francis Howell North Principal
Mr. Michael Janes, Ed.S. Francis Howell North Activities Director
All Knighter – If you are not receiving emails about All Knighter activities, please send an email to to be added to the list.
*2015-2016 FHN Knightline Dance Team Tryouts Mandatory Parent and Dancer Info Meeting Tuesday, February 24th at 6pm in the FHN commons Try outs: All nights are mandatory Monday, March 23rd 5-9 FHN Gym Tuesday, March 24th 5-9 FHN Commons Wednesday, March 25th 5-9 FHN Gym Thursday, March 26th 5-9 FHN Gym Friday, March 27th 5-? FHN Gym Contact JV Coach Kristine Toeniskoetter with any questions. kristine.toeniskoetter@