AP exam registration forms and payment (check only) are due in the Guidance Office by 7:30am on Thursday, March 5. The links below provide testing information and the registration form. 2015 AP Exam Dates/Times: 2015 AP Exam Registration Form: 3/5 Johnson Digital Parenting: Is There an App for That? Overwhelmed by Apps, Social Networking and Digital Devices? Join us as we welcome Jennifer Shiffman, prevention specialist for the MO Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (MOICAC). This seminar is designed to help you navigate the dilemmas presented by the digital world our kids inhabit. We’ll get an idea of which devices do what, an overview of the current digital threats to students (cyberbullying, online predators, oversharing, sexting) and make a better plan for digital life management. We’ll also discuss the impact of social media on college admissions, scholarships, grants and internship opportunities. This seminar is not suitable for children.
Sophomores will be attending a student presentation by Jennifer Shiffman on March 4, 2015. 3/5 Woodrum Christine Edwards’ room 219 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Also we WILL have Saturday Detention on 3/7 and WILL NOT have them on 3/14 and 3/21. 3/6 Birch
FHN will be hosting a ZAPS Test-Prep Seminar for ACT prep on March 30 & 31 from3-5:30pm. Students who are interested should view this FLIER (also posted on the FHN Guidance Website) to get more information on how to register. The two day seminar costs $79.99 and students leave with a comprehensive study guide and 6 practice-test work-outs for each subtest. According to Doorway to College, 8.5 out of 10 students boosted their ACT score with ZAPS test prep. 3/27 Faulkner
The Science Club is offering a $500 scholarship to this years graduating class. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. The deadline for completion is March 27th, 2015. 3/27 Kelly FHN Mu Alpha Theta is offering two $500 scholarships to Mu Alpha Theta members who are 2015 graduating seniors. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. The deadline for completion is April 1, 2015. 4/1 Stratton
The Francis Howell School District and Sodexo Food Service are committed to increasing participation in service at all levels. This scholarship is offered to graduating seniors who have participated in Family and Consumer Sciences while attending high school. Five (5) $1,000 scholarships per high school are available. A committee of Francis Howell School District teachers will review all applications and make their recommendations to Sodexo, who will then make the final decision. All completed applications are due by Friday April 10thd , The recipients of this scholarship will be notified in May 2015. 4/10 Just April 14, 2015 College Fair ~ College Representatives Presentation 6:00 to 7:00 pm College Fair ~ 7:00 to 8:00 pm in Large Gym 4/14 Woodrum
Students of the week |
*Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of March 2: Freshman-Abril Romero Sophomore-Christina Williams Junior-Jenna Rodriquez Senior-Zak Davlin |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| will be doing live-broadcasts of the following events at Francis Howell North:
You can catch all of our live-broadcasts at 2/27 Manfull
FHSD Needs Your Input! Francis Howell School District invites all parents and community members to participate in a district survey to solicit feedback from residents about Francis Howell’s strengths, challenges, and priorities. Beginning on Feb. 20, Patron Insight, a Kansas City-based market research organization, will initiate a comprehensive patron opinion phone survey to 400 district households. The households will represent a cross-section of our residents representing all geographic parts of the district, people of all different ages, and everyone from newcomers to long-term residents. The 10- to 15- minute phone survey will touch on a wide variety of topics, and will include “pick one”-type questions, along with opportunities for residents to share their comments.
Community members who do not receive a phone call, but would like to share their input and participate in the survey can take the survey online.
Click here to take the survey. Survey responses will be anonymous and reporting will not identify individuals.
Following the completion of the survey the district will share the findings with the Board of Education and community. 3/6 Henry
2015 Prom: Prom is on Saturday, May 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at the St. Charles Convention Center. Prom tickets will be sold on the following dates before school 6:50 a.m.-7:10a.m., during all lunches, and after school from 2:20p.m.-2:45p.m. Students who have fines will not be able to purchase tickets until the fines have been paid. A guest form must be filled out for any guest who does not attend FHN- forms will be available outside room 8 and in the main office. Guest tickets must be purchased before or after school in room 8. (Only during weeks tickets are on sale) March 23rd-27th for $60 April 6th-10th for $70
Please keep in mind Prom is a formal occasion. Denim is not appropriate for Prom. Appropriate attire for gentlemen: tuxedos, suits, or coats and ties. Appropriate attire for ladies: evening gowns, evening pant suits, dresses that do not have a plunging neckline, open on the sides, expose the midriff, or have backs that drop below the waistline. Please remember that the school dress code applies to school-sponsored events like Prom. 4/6 Cohen
NCADA-Drug Trends and Signs/Symptoms of Use 5:00 and 6:15 What is a Library Learning Commons? 5:45 and 7:00 Preferred Family Healthcare 4:00 to 7:30. 3/5 Blankenship Digital Parenting / Cyber safety On Thursday, March 5th during our parent conferences Jennifer Schiffman, from MOICAC (Missouri Internet Crimes Against Children) will be presenting to our parents at7:00- 7:30pm in the Auditorium. Please Join us! Call Mary Kerr-Grant 851-5041 for more information. Click on the link below for more information about her presentation: Digital Parenting: Is There an App for That? 3/5 Kerr-Grant
PARENTS – With the cold and flu season upon us, please remind your student to go to the nurses office when not feeling well. Students have been texting parents from class stating they are not feeling well. For your convenience and to avoid disruption of class, it is important for students to come to our office to contact you. If the student needs to leave school, they can contact you from our office and be in our office waiting for you if pick up is required. That way, we are also aware of any illnesses present in our building. Also, please remember the policy adopted by the FHSD is to exclude students sent home with fever until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please help us control the spread of viral illness and disease by complying with our 24 hour exclusion policy after your child is sent home with a fever, or after developing a fever while at home. Thank you for your cooperation! FHN Nurse Office 3/1 JUNIOR PARENTS!!! Before long we’ll have graduating seniors too! Help raise funds for their All-Knighter Celebration by running the annual FHN Craft Fair! It’s scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015! There are step-by-step, written instructions on the work to be done, and always lots of helpers. We just need someone to lead the way. Please contact Sharon at fhnallknightercraftfair@gmail.
Available BEFORE School Available AFTER School SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
Activities & Clubs
Activities for the week of Feb 23
The FHN EVENTS CALENDAR is located at . Francis Howell North Spring Trysout Begin on March 2, 2015 REQUIRED PAPERWORK FOR TRYOUTS-PLEASE GIVE TO THE COACH OR THE ACTIVITIES OFFICE PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 27. The Gateway Book Voting Party is Friday, March 6, 7th hour in the Learning Commons. If you’ve read one or more of this year’s Gateway nominated books, you can attend. We’ll have food, prizes, and some English teachers give extra credit for coming! Sign up to attend beginning March 2. 3/2 Davis Fellowship of Christian Athletes Spring Sports – Meet the Coaches Night will be Monday, March 9th at 6:30PM in the auditorium. Items discussed are Schedules, Team/Coaches/Parent Expectations, Practice Schedules, Student/Parent Expectations, Updates on the activities, Eligibility, Pre-arranged absences, Concession Stand Opportunities 3/9 Janes Dance Team Tryouts Try outs: All nights are mandatory Wednesday, March 25th 5-9 FHN Gym Thursday, March 26th 5-9 FHN Gym Friday, March 27th 5-? FHN Gym Contact JV Coach Kristine Toeniskoetter with any questions. kristine.toeniskoetter@
Love Trivia? Want to help out a GREAT FHN organization? Sign up for the 2nd Annual FHN Football Trivia Night!!! The event will be held Saturday, March 28th at the Lions Club on Central School Road. Attached is a flyer with the details – including how to reserve your table now!!! Several table package options are available. We’re not your typical Trivia Night where you need to prep by reading the encyclopedia. We host a “fun”, “anyone can participate” event. If you have any questions please email Susan Gordon at THANKS for your support! 3/28 Gordon Seniors: The All-Knighter is having a contest to design your All-Knighter t-shirts. The theme is “Hollywood Knights” designs may be turned into the main office until April 3. There is a $50 prize awarded to the winning design. 4/3 Chowning ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7th, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU!
FHN’s craft fair has a great reputation among craft vendors and shoppers alike. It was a big success last fall. The fair holds 135 vendors and nearly 100 have already committed to return!! It just needs a coordinator(s). Last year’s co-chair has an unavoidable schedule conflict, but is willing to help along the way. Please come forward and help. Please call/text Sharon @ 636-575-0179. The Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair is looking for volunteers to help judge elementary and middle school science fair projects. The date is Saturday April 25 at Francis Howell North. Judges breakfast begins at 8am in the learnnig commons/library and judging begins at 9am in the commons/cafeteria. Contact Donna Malkmus at or call 636-851-5037 4/25 Malkmus Support our Fundraiser Francis Howell North FCA You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash 7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
2014-15 Youth Spectator Guidelines
All students and children currently enrolled in the eighth grade and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult to be admitted to or remain at the event. We expect students and children to remain under the supervision of the adult that they are attending the event with.
Accompanying adults are asked to maintain diligent supervision of those youth spectators for which they have assumed responsibility the entire contest. Any youth spectators found to be without adult supervision will be returned to the adult(s) they came to game with. If their adults are unable to be found, they will be held outside the stadium until a responsible adult comes to pick them up or accompany them back to the game.
Sportsmanship/Cheering Expectations
For the enjoyment of all, the following expectations for fans, players, and students will be enforced:
Pre-Game Activities
Dress Code at Outside Events
Dr. Dave Wedlock, Francis Howell Principal
Dr. Sonny Arnel, Francis Howell Central Principal
Mr. Scott Harris, CMAA, Francis Howell Central Activities Director
Mr. Andy Downs, Ed.S., Francis Howell North Principal
Mr. Michael Janes, Ed.S. Francis Howell North Activities Director
Our next PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization) meeting will be held next Monday, March 2nd at 6:00pm, in main office conference room. All parents/guardians of FHN students are welcome and encouraged to attend! If interested, check out the February meeting minutes on the FHN Website under PARENTS. Thanks. 3/2 Doerhoff 3/3 Lawson ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7th, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU!
FHN’s craft fair has a great reputation among craft vendors and shoppers alike. It was a big success last fall. The fair holds 135 vendors and nearly 100 have already committed to return!! It just needs a coordinator(s). Last year’s co-chair has an unavoidable schedule conflict, but is willing to help along the way. Please come forward and help. Please call/text Sharon @ 636-575-0179. 3/31 Mills
2015-2016 FHN Knightline Dance Team Tryouts Try outs: All nights are mandatory Wednesday, March 25th 5-9 FHN Gym Thursday, March 26th 5-9 FHN Gym Friday, March 27th 5-? FHN Gym Contact JV Coach Kristine Toeniskoetter with any questions. kristine.toeniskoetter@