FHN will be hosting a ZAPS Test-Prep Seminar for ACT prep on March 30 & 31 from 3-5:30pm. Students who are interested should view this FLIER (also posted on the FHN Guidance Website) to get more information on how to register. The two day seminar costs $79.99 and students leave with a comprehensive study guide and 6 practice-test work-outs for each subtest. According to Doorway to College, 8.5 out of 10 students boosted their ACT score with ZAPS test prep. 3/27 Faulkner
The Science Club is offering a $500 scholarship to this years graduating class. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. The deadline for completion is March 27th, 2015. 3/27 Kelly FHN Mu Alpha Theta is offering two $500 scholarships to Mu Alpha Theta members who are 2015 graduating seniors. Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office. The deadline for completion is April 1, 2015. 4/1 Stratton
The Francis Howell School District and Sodexo Food Service are committed to increasing participation in service at all levels. This scholarship is offered to graduating seniors who have participated in Family and Consumer Sciences while attending high school. Five (5) $1,000 scholarships per high school are available. A committee of Francis Howell School District teachers will review all applications and make their recommendations to Sodexo, who will then make the final decision. All completed applications are due by Friday April 10th , The recipients of this scholarship will be notified in May 2015. 4/10 Just April 14, 2015 College Fair ~ College Representatives Presentation 6:00 to 7:00 pm College Fair ~ 7:00 to 8:00 pm in Large Gym 4/14 FHSD Centennial Book Available for Purchase Get your copy of the Francis Howell School District book,Centennial: A Magnificent Journey. This book presents the 2014-2015, here and now, Francis Howell School District as a direct outcome of the efforts, and struggles of successive generations and key individuals committed to building something ever-better for children and youth. And, because great things don’t happen in a vacuum, the context of each historical era is provided. Click here to order your copy. 4/17 Henry 2015 Summer School forms are located in the guidance office. Students may pick up summer school forms for recovery or enrichment in the guidance office.
Credit Recovery:
Summer classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to help ensure placement in the class, please return the completed forms as soon as possible, noting the following prioritydeadlines:
May 14th – Second semester (session two) classes
Please review your student’s grades at the end of 4th quarter to see if you need to add a 2nd semester class to the summer school registration. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
Students of the week |
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of March 23: Freshman-Danielle Gallahan Sophomore-Alyssa Gill Junior-Mitch Carlson Senior-Sydney Hart |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*February 13 – Professional Development Day Students were not in in attendance on Friday, February 13th. Teachers engaged in job-specific professional development with colleagues from around the district. Most secondary staff members learned specific strategies related to the integration of argumentative writing into their content area and creating a culture of learning in their classroom. Mathematics teachers were continuing to explore the 8 mathematical practices and how they apply to their new curriculum. Our staff members continue to learn and evolve as we look for new ways to provide the best education possible for Francis Howell students. Santos
Attention Seniors-Herff Jones will be here Thursday, March 26 during lunches to deliver graduation announcements. They will be set up in the candy hallway. 3/26 Jarvis Come support your 2015 FHN All Knighter by dining out atBuffalo Wild Wings (near Bass Pro Shop) on Wednesdayevening, April 1. This is a great way to earn 10% of all dinner sales toward a great graduation celebration. Tickets are required – so stop by the office or contact us and we will send you one. 4/1 Rudberg
Also they were featured in the Post this morning. http://www.stltoday.
Francis Howell School District Trivia Night Remember that school spirit? It’s time to rekindle that feeling, rally a team together and celebrate the distinctive personality of our community and district. On Friday, April 10, 2015, join the FHSD Alumni Association for “Howell of a Good Time” Trivia Night. Bring your thinking cap, wear school spirit wear or jersey, and enjoy a great time while you help raise money for a good cause. This event is open to all trivia buffs! Proceeds will benefit Early Childhood Education scholarships and the FHSD Alumni Association. The trivia night will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall (Pezold Banquet Center) at 5701 Highway N in Cottleville. Doors open at6:30 p.m. Trivia begins at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $160 for a table of eight. Click here for more information and to register. 4/10 Henry Calling all runners! Or walkers! Or just those who enjoy time outdoors with their families! FHN is hosting the Wellness Fair 5K and 1 mile Fun Run this year. The event will be on April 11 and will kick off at 8 a.m. at the FHN track. Registration to guarantee a T-shirt is due soon, so download the flyer from the eBackpack above, or stop by the FHN main office to pick up a hard copy. 4/11 Steep 2015 Prom: Prom is on Saturday, May 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at the St. Charles Convention Center. Prom tickets will be sold on the following dates before school 6:50 a.m.-7:10a.m., during all lunches, and after school from 2:20p.m.-2:45p.m. Students who have fines will not be able to purchase tickets until the fines have been paid. A guest form must be filled out for any guest who does not attend FHN- forms will be available outside room 8 and in the main office. Guest tickets must be purchased before or after school in room 8. (Only during weeks tickets are on sale) March 23rd-27th for $60 April 6th-10th for $70
Please keep in mind Prom is a formal occasion. Denim is not appropriate for Prom. Appropriate attire for gentlemen: tuxedos, suits, or coats and ties. Appropriate attire for ladies: evening gowns, evening pant suits, dresses that do not have a plunging neckline, open on the sides, expose the midriff, or have backs that drop below the waistline. Please remember that the school dress code applies to school-sponsored events like Prom. 4/6 Cohen Dear Friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the Baccalaureate Worship Service in honor of the 2015 Francis Howell School District graduating seniors and their families.
The celebration was originally established for Francis Howell North, however we are thrilled to announce that for 2015 the event will be expanded to include all of the FHSD high schools.
The 2015 service will be held:
Friday Evening, May 29th 7:00 PM First Baptist Church of Harvester 4075 Highway 94 South St. Charles, Missouri
Graduation is a meaningful time in the lives of these students and their families. The Baccalaureate service is a joyous celebration in a Christian setting. All FHSD staff and families are invited to be with us. Joint instrumental and choral ensembles from the high schools and members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will participate.
Please save the date and help us spread the word. You have educated, loved, supported and encouraged these students through your labor over the years. You have gone home in the evening at times exhilarated and at times wondering if it’s all worth it. You have planted seeds that will bear fruit in wonderful ways that today we cannot begin to imagine. We would be honored to have you with us as we join the families in giving thanks for these graduates and for all they mean to us as we entrust their lives and futures to the Lord.
Sincerely, Ted House FHSD Parent 5/29
JUNIOR PARENTS!!! Before long we’ll have graduating seniors too! Help raise funds for their All-Knighter Celebration by running the annual FHN Craft Fair! It’s scheduled forSaturday, Nov. 7, 2015! There are step-by-step, written instructions on the work to be done, and always lots of helpers. We just need someone to lead the way. Please contact Sharon at fhnallknightercraftfair@gmail.
Available BEFORE School Available AFTER School SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
Activities & Clubs
Activities for the week of March23
The FHN EVENTS CALENDAR is located . 2015-2016 FHN Knightline Dance Team Tryouts Try outs: All nights are mandatory Friday, March 27th 5-? FHN Gym Contact JV Coach Kristine Toeniskoetter with any questions.kristine.toeniskoetter@
Love Trivia? Want to help out a GREAT FHN organization? Sign up for the 2nd Annual FHN Football Trivia Night!!! The event will be held Saturday, March 28th at the Lions Club on Central School Road. Attached is a flyer with the details – including how to reserve your table now!!! Several table package options are available. We’re not your typical Trivia Night where you need to prep by reading the encyclopedia. We host a “fun”, “anyone can participate” event. If you have any questions please email Susan Gordon at THANKS for your support! 3/28 Gordon KOE will be hosting a hat day on Wednesday, April 1st to raise money for St. Jude. 4/1 Holmes Seniors: The All-Knighter is having a contest to design your All-Knighter t-shirts. The theme is “Hollywood Knights” designs may be turned into the main office until April 3. There is a $50 prize awarded to the winning design. 4/3 Chowning ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7th, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU!
FHN’s craft fair has a great reputation among craft vendors and shoppers alike. It was a big success last fall. The fair holds 135 vendors and nearly 100 have already committed to return!! It just needs a coordinator(s). Last year’s co-chair has an unavoidable schedule conflict, but is willing to help along the way. Please come forward and help. Please call/text Sharon @ 636-575-0179. The Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair is looking for volunteers to help judge elementary and middle school science fair projects. The date is Saturday April 25 at Francis Howell North. Judges breakfast begins at8am in the learnnig commons/library and judging begins at 9amin the commons/cafeteria. Contact Donna Malkmus or call 636-851-5037 4/25 Malkmus Support our Fundraiser Francis Howell North FCA You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash 7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
2014-15 Youth Spectator Guidelines
All students and children currently enrolled in the eighth grade and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult to be admitted to or remain at the event. We expect students and children to remain under the supervision of the adult that they are attending the event with.
Accompanying adults are asked to maintain diligent supervision of those youth spectators for which they have assumed responsibility the entire contest. Any youth spectators found to be without adult supervision will be returned to the adult(s) they came to game with. If their adults are unable to be found, they will be held outside the stadium until a responsible adult comes to pick them up or accompany them back to the game.
Sportsmanship/Cheering Expectations
For the enjoyment of all, the following expectations for fans, players, and students will be enforced:
Pre-Game Activities
Dress Code at Outside Events
Dr. Dave Wedlock, Francis Howell Principal
Dr. Sonny Arnel, Francis Howell Central Principal
Mr. Scott Harris, CMAA, Francis Howell Central Activities Director
Mr. Andy Downs, Ed.S., Francis Howell North Principal
Mr. Michael Janes, Ed.S. Francis Howell North Activities Director |
ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7th, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU!
FHN’s craft fair has a great reputation among craft vendors and shoppers alike. It was a big success last fall. The fair holds 135 vendors and nearly 100 have already committed to return!! It just needs a coordinator(s). Last year’s co-chair has an unavoidable schedule conflict, but is willing to help along the way. Please come forward and help. Please call/text Sharon @ 636-575-0179. 3/31 Mills All Knighter – If you are not receiving emails about All Knighter activities, please send an email to be added to the list. 2015-2016 FHN Knightline Dance Team Tryouts Try outs: All nights are mandatory Friday, March 27th 5-? FHN Gym Contact JV Coach Kristine Toeniskoetter with any questions. kristine.toeniskoetter@ |