Be Prepared for Severe Weather and Tornados!
Severe weather and tornado season can bring frightening storms, incredible damage, and change lives in the blink of an eye. The best way to meet the unpredictable Missouri weather is to be prepared. Is your family ready in the event of a tornado? Do you and your children know where to go and what to do? Are you familiar with school tornado procedures? Click here to review the Francis Howell School District’s tornado procedures. 4/17 Henry
*Below are the flyers in the online backpack:
Attention A+ Sophomores and Juniors…if you would like to complete your A+ tutoring/mentoring hours this Summer, please plan to attend the A+ Tutor Meeting from 2:30-3:15 in the Auditorium on Tuesday, April 14th. A+ hours must be completed by January 1st of your Senior year, so don’t procrastinate! 4/14 Herman Welco
College Planning Night ~ April 14, 2015
6:00 PM – Lisa Woodrum Auditorium
6:10 – Susan Deppe & Tim Eggleston Presentation Auditorium
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm College Fair in Large Gym
Universities and Representatives Include:
4/14 Woodrum
The Francis Howell North PTO is pleased to offer (2) $500 scholarships to our senior graduating class. Parents must be PTO members. This year our topic of the scholarship is … Consider a role model who has had a significant influence on you. Describe how this role model has influenced your life. Applications are available in the guidance office and are due by April 15. Please contact the guidance office with any questions regarding this. 4/15 Lawson Mentor applications for the 2015-2016 school year are now available! Any current 10th and 11th graders interested in applying to be an FHN Mentor please pick up an application in the Guidance Office. Applications are due Friday, April 17th to Guidance. 4/17 Johnson Get your copy of the Francis Howell School District book, Centennial: A Magnificent Journey. This book presents the 2014-2015, here and now, Francis Howell School District as a direct outcome of the efforts, and struggles of successive generations and key individuals committed to building something ever-better for children and youth. And, because great things don’t happen in a vacuum, the context of each historical era is provided. Click here to order your copy. 4/17 Henry Save the Date for FHSD’s Appliance and Recycling Event The Francis Howell School District (FHSD), in partnership with the Midwest Recycling Center, will be hosting a free community-wide appliance and electronics recycling event on Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the FHSD Burbes Service Center located at 4606 Central School Road in St. Charles. Click here to find out more. 4/18 Richter
Credit Recovery:
Summer classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to help ensure placement in the class, please return the completed forms as soon as possible, noting the following priority deadlines:
May 14th – Second semester (session two) classes
Please review your student’s grades at the end of 4th quarter to see if you need to add a 2nd semester class to the summer school registration. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
Students of the week |
*Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of April 13: Freshman-Grace Stevenson Sophomore-Daniel Mulawa Junior-Jake Viehman Senior-Tommy Nguyen |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PROM TABLE FORMS are available now in the main office or outside room 8. Completed forms are due Wednesday, April 15th. If you do not sign up for a table, one will be chosen for you. Please let Ms. Cohen know if you have any questions! 4/15 Cohen
Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch will be at Prom on May 2nd. Select from various poses or make up your own. Package forms are available in the main office and start at $15 per item. Payment is expected the night of Prom. Savvi Formalwear discount cards are available in room 8. Pick one up to receive $50 off your tux. See Cohen in room 8 with any questions. 4/15 Cohen April 17: Come have coffee and chat with FHN administrators for the final time this year. We will be looking at our Parent Survey data, reflecting on this year and discussing ideas to improve for next year. Meet us in the FHN College and Career room at 7:30 a.m. 4/17 Steep Junior Achievement class and the graphic displays will be selling shirts at the website address. http://knights-apparel.
During the weeks of 4/13 and 4/20, Francis Howell North will be End of Course (EOC) testing and will be on a block schedule from 4/13-4/16 and 4/20-4/23. The EOC is designed to test the skills and knowledge described in the Missouri Learning Standards (MLS). Assessments are designed to let teachers and parents know whether students are on track to be college and career ready when they graduate. In 2015, there will be new grade‐level EOC tests for English and math. It’s likely that fewer students will meet grade-level standards because of the higher expectations tested this year and a new online test format. These results show the tests are more demanding, not that students are doing worse. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) publishes a Guide to Interpreting Results (GIR) that provides additional detail about the content of the Individual Student Reports. The GIR for the Spring 2015 MAP Grade-Level Assessments will be available in May on the DESE website at Attention Seniors!!!! Are you interested in giving a speech or performing a musical selection for graduation? If so, come to aduitions after school in room 58 (choir room) on Tuesday, April 28. All performances should be 3 minutes or less, and all auditions must take place during this time. There will be no make up date. You just bring a copy of your speech or song lyrics with you to the audition. Questions? See Mrs. Smith in room 58 by April 24th. 4/28 Smith Senior Awards Night will be on May 13, in the gym and auditorium at 6:30 p.m. 5/13 Woodrum
The celebration was originally established for Francis Howell North, however we are thrilled to announce that for 2015 the event will be expanded to include all of the FHSD high schools.
The 2015 service will be held:
Friday Evening, May 29th 7:00 PM First Baptist Church of Harvester 4075 Highway 94 South St. Charles, Missouri
Graduation is a meaningful time in the lives of these students and their families. The Baccalaureate service is a joyous celebration in a Christian setting. All FHSD staff and families are invited to be with us. Joint instrumental and choral ensembles from the high schools and members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will participate.
Please save the date and help us spread the word. You have educated, loved, supported and encouraged these students through your labor over the years. You have gone home in the evening at times exhilarated and at times wondering if it’s all worth it. You have planted seeds that will bear fruit in wonderful ways that today we cannot begin to imagine. We would be honored to have you with us as we join the families in giving thanks for these graduates and for all they mean to us as we entrust their lives and futures to the Lord.
Sincerely, Ted House FHSD Parent 5/29 Seniors from the graduating class of 2015: you may pick up your year books during schedule pick for the 2015-2016 registration times. The times are posted on the left hand side of this eNews. 7/31 (Downs)
JUNIOR PARENTS!!! Before long we’ll have graduating seniors too! Help raise funds for their All-Knighter Celebration by running the annual FHN Craft Fair! It’s scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015! There are step-by-step, written instructions on the work to be done, and always lots of helpers. We just need someone to lead the way. Please contact Sharon atfhnallknightercraftfair@gmail.
Available BEFORE School Available AFTER School SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
AP Micro/MacroTutoring Hours
Micro: Thursday, April 16th Thursday, May 7th
Macro: Tuesday, April 14th Tuesday, April 21st Tuesday, May 5th
Micro/Macro: Tuesday, May 12th
AP Macro Exam is Thursday, May 14th AP Micro Exam is Friday, May 15th |
Activities & Clubs
Activities for the week of April 12
The FHN EVENTS CALENDAR is located at . Our next PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization) meeting will be held next Monday, April 13th at 6:00pm. In main office conference room. All parents/guardians of FHN students are welcome and encouraged to attend! If interested, check out the March meeting minutes in the FHN website. 4/13 Doerhoff *If you all could please ask your family and friends to eat at Raising Canes Mid Rivers Mall Drive and HWY N on Wednesday, April 15th to support Francis Howell North Track and Field Program. We will also receive 15% of all profit made from 10am-11pm. Just ask them to mention FHN Track and Field!!! Thank you in advance for your support!!! 4/15 Louis-Bauer
*Attention Art Club members – There will be a meeting in Mr. Leistner’s Rm.160 on Thurs. after school. 4/16 Leistner *Attention Boys interested in playing basketball next year:There will be a meeting next Tuesday (April 21st) in room 157.You can choose to attend at 7:00 A.M. or 2:30 P.M. 4/21 Wright
Francis Howell North Jazz Band Dinner Concert Please follow the link below to reserve your tickets to the 2015 Jazz Dinner Concert, on April 23. Tickets are $10 per person, and seating will begin at 6:30 PM. Cash or check (payable to FHNBB) is due to Mr. Jeffrey Moorman by April 16. Proceeds to this event will benefit eligible 6th-11th graders to receive a $100 scholarship to area Jazz Camps this year. There will be a drawing for 4 scholarships. If you would like to invite more people please send this invite to your friends and family. 2015 FHN Jazz Dinner Concert. 4/23 Moorman The Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair is looking for volunteers to help judge elementary and middle school science fair projects. The date is Saturday April 25 at Francis Howell North. Judges breakfast begins at 8am in the learnnig commons/library and judging begins at 9am in the commons/cafeteria. Contact Donna Malkmus, FCA Night (May 1) at the Cardinals: If you are going to join us for this awesome night at the ballpark, I’ve attached a flier to this message that has the dates, times, and info we will need to make sure you have the correct number of tickets and the correct size of t-shirts. 5/1 White
2015 Senior Awards Scholar/Athlete US Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Andrew Meyer & Brenda Alvarado Mike Dunn Scholarship MSHSAA Sportsmanship Award Sean Pirrone & Sierra Teuscher US Marine Scholar/Athlete Risa Takenaka ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7th, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU! You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash 7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU!
FHN’s craft fair has a great reputation among craft vendors and shoppers alike. It was a big success last fall. The fair holds 135 vendors and nearly 100 have already committed to return!! It just needs a coordinator(s). Last year’s co-chair has an unavoidable schedule conflict, but is willing to help along the way. Please come forward and help. Please call/text Sharon @ 636-575-0179. If you are not receiving emails about All-Knighter activities, please send an email to FHNAllKnighter2015@gmail. |