With cyber bullying, depression and teen relationships, it is no laughing matter. It is a scary matter which is no surprise that they finally made a horror film wrapping around a somewhat realistic group of high school students. You have the jockey guy, the gamer, the couple, and the floozy character. All on a Skype call with an unknown user that is claiming to be their old friend Laura who committed suicide exactly a year ago because of an embarrassing video posted online.
I went into this movie very unsure of the film but overall pretty excited to see it. The second the film began it was clear the entirety of it would be shown through the macbook screen on one of the girl’s computer. That is what made the movie so unique. During the entire movie through a movie screen they had to get creative with the suspense and jump scares. Without having heavy breathing cut scenes, or camera pans there is a whole new way to create scares through pop up ads, uncomfortable scenes through the Skype screen.
Next the acting, it wasn’t phenomenal but you can’t expect much from a horror film especially because this movie originally made to be a MTV tv original film. But based on how viral the trailer went, Universal wanted to put it in theaters. The actors weren’t well known which made the movie better because it almost came off more realistic. The characters were also very relatable anyone is able to connect with at least one of the characters and you kind of saw your own friend group going through the story.
Overall the film was very unique, new modern idea. The movie was not a great movie in general but stands out as better horror film. It wasn’t as scary as expected but the way it was shot, the intensity, and the unique deaths made up for it to make it a very suspenseful and uncomfortable experience. I rate it at a 7.5 stars.